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AusIMM’s online Thought Leadership Series to explore new frontiers in mining

AusIMM Bulletin
· 650 words, 3 min read

AusIMM’s 2020 Thought Leadership Series will commence on 27 August 2020 as a virtual keynote event series with world-leading experts exploring new frontiers in mining.

With five separate live presentations held over four weeks, the online Thought Leadership Series will explore global themes shaping the future of mining: technology, social value, cyber security, space mining and investment. Through a single free registration, attendees can access all five presentations to hear the exciting future vision for the mining sector and engage live with speakers through Q&A sessions.

Facilitated by experienced MC Cat Matson, the Series kicks off with a fireside chat with Chris Dodd, Partner for Assurance, Mining and Australia’s Future Prosperity at PwC Australia. Chris will set the scene for the series by exploring emerging trends in the sector, including resilience in a time of global disruption, and how miners can support communities and the broader economy.

Michelle Ash will present on sustainable technology and changing social perceptions of mining. As a leading innovator and Dassault Systèmes’ GEOVIA CEO, Michelle has a focus on technology and digital transformation, and will discuss how mining professionals can help shape a more sustainable resources sector.

Phineas Glover, Head of ESG Research Asia Pacific for Credit Suisse, will provide expert insight into the interlinked relationship between financial and environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Against a backdrop of heightened expectations of social responsibility, Phineas will explain why understanding this relationship is critical for resources professionals.

Fergus Hanson, Director of the International Cyber Policy Centre at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, will give people in mining a strategic overview of cyber security and outline the current and evolving risks the industry needs to be aware of.

U.S. Air Force Colonel (Ret.) and former NASA astronaut Pamela Melroy will conclude the series with an exciting discussion on new technologies emerging in the space industry, and how resources professionals have the potential to become leaders in the development of space mining.

AusIMM CEO Stephen Durkin said the 2020 Thought Leadership Online Series will provide a forum for people working in resources to discuss the future of the sector together.

‘This interactive series will give people a chance to be part of the high-level conversations on topics that are shaping our rapidly-changing world. Together, we will prepare ourselves for the future by looking beyond our own sector to explore new technologies and ways of thinking.’

For full event details and to register visit


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