New Zealand

New Zealand
AusIMM New Zealand is a community of resources professionals supporting your career development and advancement, from students through to retirement.
The New Zealand Branch is one of over 20 branches of the AusIMM and currently has approximately 230 members.
In addition to enjoying the benefits of the AusIMM as a whole, the New Zealand Branch organises and hosts a range of events, including:
- The Annual New Zealand Branch Conference
- The Explorers Forum: offered since 2017, focussing on mineralisation of regional or national interest
- Talks and meetings at a range of regional centres in Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin; occasionally Reefton, Westport and Hamilton
- The Visiting Lecturer programme
- Events hosted by the New Zealand Student Chapter
The Branch is active in promoting education in the minerals sector, mainly through research funding schemes and representation:
- Scholarships for research to students enrolled at Tertiary institutions, through the New Zealand Education Endowment Trust (EET)
- Best student paper prizes presented at the Annual Branch Conference
- Minerals industry educational initiatives funded by the NZ Branch Closure Fund
- Representation on the Minex Health & Safety Council. (Minex aims to improve the mining industry’s health and safety performance by providing centralised industry representation for a range of H&S matters and provides tools and advice to mining companies)
- Sponsorship for publications on New Zealand mineral deposits
- Submissions on public issues that affect our members
Upcoming Branch Events
New Zealand Branch
Annual Conference 2025 - Future Horizons: Shaping the Next Generation Workforce in Mining and Resources
24 - 26 Aug 2025
New Zealand Branch
2025 Visiting Lecturer Tour: Repurposing mines post-closure
21 Aug 2025
New Zealand Branch News
New Zealand Branch
New Zealand Branch Annual Conference 2023 - PRESENTATIONS & ABSTRACTS
Community news
New Publication Launched: Monograph 33 ‘The Geology and Resources of New Zealand Coalfields’ 2019
Students & Graduates
Committee Members 2025

Hamish McLauchlan

Paul Miles

Ryan Burgess

Leroy Crawford-Flett

Aaron Dutton

Lauren Farmer

Aryton Hamilton

Bridget Johnson

Luke Matheson

Alicia McKean

Paul Weber
New Zealand Branch Awards and Scholarships
The Lloyd Jones Award
Student Paper Award
The GB O'Malley Medal
Education Endowment Trust Scholarships
New Zealand webinars and publications
View our library of webinars and publications
Links and Websites
Professional Bodies, Societies & Industry Groups
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
The website includes weekly reviews of events that can be e-mailed to members. Institute publications can be ordered on-line, and mineral valuation (Valmin) and joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) codes can be downloaded free of charge. An employment section provides lists and details of employment opportunities in mining and members can list their curriculum vitae.
AIG Directory of Australian Geoscientists
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
Includes the services provided by GNS, its databases, publications (books, reports and maps) and contacts. The site contains information on volcanology, seismology (including the latest earthquake), New Zealand geology and nuclear sciences.
Institution of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Lists publications, meetings and activities of the Institution with links to numerous overseas mining and geological organisations.
Geoscience Society of New Zealand
Information on GSNZ activities and publications. Useful links to on-line journals, society submissions on issues such as the Resource Management Act amendments, abstracts of recent PhD theses and links to the home pages of geology and earth science departments of all seven NZ universities. It also includes links to employment agencies for earth scientists.
MinEx is a national Health & Safety Council for the New Zealand minerals industry. Its main purpose is to assist the minerals industry to improve its health and safety performance, and provide centralised industry representation in matters relating to health and safety.
Royal Society of New Zealand
Called “Gateway to New Zealand Science” the home page has current (daily) news with a scientific component and links to a wide range of scientific bodies. It also includes a bookshop and a searchable database of publications.
On-line Journals Related to Earth Sciences
Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Has information on the Society, its activities and publications, and details of its GEM (government, education, mining) public educational programme, career planning and links to numerous other sites.
Society of Economic Geologists
Industry group representing the New Zealand resource sector and New Zealand mining.
New Zealand Legislation
On-line access to an up-to-date database of New Zealand Acts (unconsolidated), Regulations, Bills, Hansard and more, added to daily.
Environment Court
Provides a schedule of court sitting dates and links to other sources for recent decisions. It has information on judges and commissioners, and links to the Waitangi Tribunal site, consent authorities, law firms and environmental organisations. The Department of Courts site has a page on the Environment Court with much less information.
Land Information
Land lnformation NZ
The capabilities of the recently revised LINZ site are being extended by the Landonline project that will allow all survey data to be lodged and retrieved on-line, and conveyancing to be carried out via the Internet. The site includes survey information and a searchable geographic database of 40,000 New Zealand place names that it will locate by latitude and longitude, NZ map grid references and nearby place names.
Maori Land
Developed from the Maori land Information Base Project it provides information on Maori land via interactive maps and a searchable database of individual blocks.
Corelogic (Prev Terralink)
The Corelogic site (Previously Terralink) allows searches of titles and other documents for land throughout NZ via the Internet with accounts available for corporate, private and casual users. In addition the services now cover satellite imagery and land use databases, digital topographic map production and GIS consulting services.
Company Information
Companies Office
Summary information on companies and incorporated bodies (registered office details and the names of two directors) is available free. Further details can be obtained for a small fee.
New Zealand Stock Exchange
This site lists current prices for all companies listed on the NZ stock exchange, information on the exchange, and its members.
Australian Stock Exchange
Has stock prices of all companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, plus extensive information on finance, share trading, and on-line purchasing of publications, employment opportunities and company news.
General information – Mining and Minerals
Minerals Council of Australia
Has fact sheets on 14 mineral commodities (Including coal) and 10 metals with information on the origin of deposits, production and uses as well as information for use in primary schools. It has information on issues affecting the Australian mining industry including native title, environment, access to land plus a wide range of publications for downloading. Links include a wide range of industry associations and all of the State Government departments that administer mining.
British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines
Numerous ministries of mines and geological surveys have useful and informative sites and this is an outstanding example with information for the public, technical data, mining statistics and searchable databases of mineral occurrences and mineral tenements.
US Geological Survey
Includes information on a wide range of biological and geological topics, recent events (eg the earthquake in Turkey) and an index of publications, posters and educational material that can be purchased. It also includes search facilities and an extensive section of links to mainly US based sites related to earth science, biological science and the environment.
Yukon Chamber of Mines
The Chamber of Mines site is another of the best sites with essays on general topics related to exploration, mining and the environment, and a good selection of links in a format that is easy to use.
Mining Journal
Has links to the sites for about 250 journals on geology and related fields.
Mining industry – General
Australian Mining and Exploration Companies
This site provides access to a large amount of information on companies, commodities, financial data and employment opportunities in the mining industry in Australia and PNG, mainly through links with other sites.
Metal prices for primary and scrap
Canada based worldwide mining database. Most of the information is available free with some for subscribers only.
SP Global
Stay on top of the fast-evolving mining sector and evaluate opportunities and risks with essential data, analytics and insights.
Compiled by Richard Barker with additions by Tony Christie and John St George.
New Zealand Branch Advocacy Group Submissions
- Response to Discussion Paper: Maximising our Mineral Potential: Stocktake of Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act and beyond
- Submission on the Draft Crown Minerals (Minerals & Coal) Minerals Programme 2009
- Submission on Consultation Document: "Reviewing the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004" (View Document)
- Submission on Lauder Station tenure review under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 (View Document)
New Zealand Branch Obituaries
Branch History
As part of over-hauling the NZ Branch website, historic information older than approximately five years has been removed and will be added to the Branch history document. Notice will be provided when this update is complete. Until then, the earlier history document is available.
Branch Rules
The Branch Rules are being updated to reflect our status as a limited liability company and a link will be inserted when the update rules are available.