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AusIMM Heritage Committee

AusIMM Heritage Committee

Preserving knowledge and the rich history of the resources sector

AusIMM Heritage Committee Charter

Vision – That AusIMM members and the population at large recognise the great contribution made by past and present resources professionals to the community, environment and economy in which they have worked.

Purpose – To foster public knowledge about and identify and encourage conservation of significant sites, documents, stories and objects relating to the past activities of resources professionals, recognising that better knowledge of past achievements can be a source of pride and motivation for members. The committee will support and encourage the heritage activities of individual members and branches.

Organisation – The Heritage Committee will comprise volunteers from the AusIMM membership who may be located anywhere in the world. The Committee will use modern technology for communications and meetings to overcome geographic boundaries. The Committee will determine its own priorities and activities with regard to the Vision and Purpose stated above.

Sale or exchange of mining books by AusIMM members

Members of AusIMM who want to give away or sell mining books from their collections have many options. Websites such as eBay or Gumtree are two suggestions. Advertising on Gumtree is free and Gumtree is also used by persons seeking to buy a particular item. Unfortunately, the Heritage Committee is unable to advertise these items on the AusIMM website.


The Personal History Collection - Pilot Project

The purpose of the Personal History Collection Project is to ensure that pertinent information is collected from members that can provide a source of historical and heritage reference material for use by AusIMM and by bona fide researchers – with the permission of AusIMM – in the future.

The collection will form a useful, more up-to-date and complete record of the professional lives and achievements of current and future members than simply what is held in their basic membership file. It is not intended to replace the usual membership records maintained by AusIMM, but rather to provide a fuller picture of the member. It will also preserve knowledge of some of their contributions to the resources sector.

Personal information and observations are being sought from our more experienced and senior members on an ongoing basis.

The Mining Heritage Checklist

 The following list of mining heritage sites in Australia and New Zealand is an initial attempt to document these, and the list is currently incomplete.

The list will be expanded and provides a starting point for AusIMM branches to identify and document local mining heritage sites in more detail.

Click the links below to view the Australasian Mining Heritage Checklist and accompanying notes.

View heritage checklist

View heritage checklist notes

Heritage Audio and Visual

Samuel Turrell's 8mm Heritage Films

Samuel George Turrell MAusIMM was a metallurgist who travelled the world in his role as a representative for the American Cyanamid Company.

Samuel Turrell Film Notes

Index to Digitized Heritage Reels My 1936 Jaunt Around the World Filmed by Samuel George Turrell (1880‐1940)

Samuel Turrell Article

Samuel Turrell’s Home Movies By Peter McCarthy Hon F AusIMM

Heritage Mining Company Films

From the 1960s to the 1980s the AusIMM maintained a library of 16mm films which were available on loan to branch meetings and universities.

Heritage Audio Content

From the 1950s to the 1970s the AusIMM made audio recordings on tape of many addresses at meetings and conferences, primarily to aid the preparation of articles for publication.

2025 committee members

Sandra Close

Heritage Committee

Trevor Connell

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Christopher Davey

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Rod Elvish

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

John (Henry) Garlick

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Kevin Marston

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Peter McCarthy

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Dennis O'Neill

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Angus M Robinson

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

John Taylor

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

Tony Weston

Heritage Committee
Committee Member

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