Geometallurgy – the 30-year lessons and learnings journey at Olympic Dam
AusIMM's Adelaide Branch would like to invite you to the upcoming Technical presentation by Dr. Kathy Ehrig, Principal Geometallurgist – BHP.
About this event
Kathy is well known to the AusIMM Adelaide family. She completed a PhD in Geology from the University of California-Berkeley in 1991 and left San Francisco in 1992 to join the former WMC as a research geologist to work on the genesis of the Olympic Dam deposit, and to provide mineralogical support to the metallurgy department.
In 2006, she moved to Adelaide to lead the development of the world's largest and most comprehensive geometallurgy program as Principal Geometallurgist for BHP. In 2017, she received a Professional Excellence Award from the AusIMM and Doctor of Science honoris causa from Flinders University in recognition of her contribution to the geological and geometallurgical understanding of the Olympic Dam deposit.
Dr Kathy Ehrig
Kathy has worked on Olympic Dam for +30 years, and during that time she has been the ongoing champion of the evolving understanding of the geology of this huge ore system, and the application of that knowledge to the discovery of additional IOCG deposits in the region. During this time she has also developed a deep understanding of the importance of maximizing the recovery of individual minerals in the processing plant by understanding the mineralogy of the deposit – the science of geometallurgy – a field in which she has been a global pioneer. She is the Geometallurgy Superintendent at the Olympic Dam mine, and she has won awards from numerous organizations including the SEG, the AusIMM, the Geological Society of Australia, the Australian Academy of Sciences, and appropriately the Roy Woodall Medal from the Australian Geoscience Council. Kathy is currently sharing her knowledge as the SEG’s International Exchange Lecturer, and in February she will be presenting talks at both SMEDG and WIMnet events in Sydney.
Date and Time
12.45pm – 2.00pm (UTC+09:30)