Webinar: Why Independence Matters
Leading resource companies are committing to providing auditable, public information about their ESG performance through the conduct of externally verified due diligence and assurance reviews.
About this event
In parallel, there are a growing number of certification schemes, such as the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) framework recently adopted by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA), the World Gold Council’s Conflict-free Gold Standard, the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, and the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA).
While these schemes vary significantly in design, scope and governance, they all include a requirement for some form of independent assurance of management systems; and several schemes go further in requiring verification of on-the-ground ESG performance at individual assets.
The first part of the webinar will provide a brief overview of these developments and explore the implications at asset, company and industry levels. The second part will examine steps that industry and external parties need to take to ensure that purportedly ‘independent’ assessment review and certification processes have credibility.
This includes ensuring the competence and independence of external reviewers, the need for transparency, and governance protocols for maintaining the currency and integrity of assessment and reporting frameworks.
The MCA has committed to having an TSM external assurance protocol ready for implementation in 2024. Suitably experienced AusIMM members are well placed to be TSM Verification Service Providers (VSPs), so the Webinar will provide a good opportunity for Institute members and other interested parties to be informed about key trends and issues in this important area.
Emeritus Professor David Brereton
Dr Kathryn Sturman
Kathryn has a PhD in international relations from Macquarie University in Australia and an MA in Political Studies from the University of Cape Town. Kathryn's research focus is on the political dynamics shaping the extractive industries globally, particularly in resource-rich countries of Africa and Asia Pacific. She is an expert on multi-stakeholder governance for greater transparency across the mining life cycle and on voluntary sustainability standards for the mining industry.
Kathryn is a board member of the Australia Africa Universities Network and SMI Postgraduate Coordinator.
Professor Deanna Kemp
University of QLD
Date and Time
11.00am – 12.00pm (UTC+10:00)
Non Member $30.00