Webinar: Pyrometallurgy and high temperature electrometallurgy aspects of rare earth recovery in the context of NdFeB permanent magnet recycling
Join the Metallurgical Society for their webinar: Pyrometallurgy and high temperature electrometallurgy aspects of rare earth recovery in the context of NdFeB permanent magnet recycling.
About this event
Rare Earth Magnets are used in a variety of applications, they are the strongest permanent magnet currently available. As such, they are used in a wide variety of applications, including consumer materials.
With an increasing demand for magnets, the demand for rare earths and the disposal of these magnets is increasing. Due to limited deposits of Rare Earths, recycling presents an opportunity to recover these metals.
However, due the to complexity of these materials, the recovery of REEs from these magnets present a range of challenges. This webinar will review the chemistry of a process involving (i) concentrating REE (as oxides) in a slag phase – (ii) hydrometallurgical treatment and (iii) molten salt electrolysis to produce Nd-metal or an Nd-rich alloy. The focus will be on point (i) and (iii), i.e., associated pyro- and electrometallurgy.
Webinar time: 6.00pm - 7.00pm AEDT.
Professor Alexandros Charitos
Prof. Charitos leads the Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy and Purest Materials (INEMET) of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany. The Institute serves the science of non-ferrous metallurgy holistically, i.e., pyro-, hydro- and electrometallurgy at a modelling, lab- and pilot-scale level. Specifically, Prof. Charitos focuses on slag and ash valorization, H2- reduction, TSL/ TBRC processes, recycling of Li-ion batteries, NdFeB permanent magnets, PEM and SOEC electrolysers.
His vision is to contribute to innovative, zero-waste metallurgical processes in the context of circular economy principles and motivate the next generation of metallurgists accordingly
Date and Time
6.00pm – 7.00pm (UTC+11:00)
CIM Member: Free
SAIMM Member: Free
IOM3 Member: Free
Non Member: $30