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Social and Environment Society

Webinar: Implementing mining cultural landscapes through the National Geotourism Strategy

PD Hours

Join the Social and Environment Society for their webinar: Implementing mining cultural landscapes through the National Geotourism Strategy.

About this event

In formulating a national strategy for geotourism development, the Australian Geoscience Council Inc has consulted with both the Social and Environment Society and the AusIMM Heritage Committee to determine how best the development of geotourism throughout Australia can enhance the scope of regional development of mining areas during current mining activities and after mine closure. Geotourism adds considerable holistic content value to traditional nature-based tourism as well as cultural tourism (both indigenous and post European settlement having regard to mining aspects). The Society has identified three broad topics of interest which will form the basis of incorporation into the National Geotourism Strategy.

  1. Consequences of mine closure, most of it currently oriented to environmental remediation (make safe, stable and non-polluting), noting the need to increase the scope to include the preservation of mining heritage in situ (e.g. gossans and other examples of economic geological significance) built (e.g. buildings, workings and equipment), and non-built (e.g. mining and personnel records), all of which are of long standing interest to the AusIMM Heritage Committee.
  2. The identification within the AusIMM of cultural heritage management professionals who are in the ‘front line’ of social performance in developing and managing geotourism activities.
  3. The positioning within the AusIMM of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) imperatives; the latter  because of evolving project financing and regulatory requirements coupled with meeting community expectations.

In recognition of this opportunity, the NGS embraces seven strategic goals that includes (Goal 5) i.e., ‘to develop geotourism in regional mining communities with potential geoheritage and cultural heritage sites.’ The recently released THRIVE 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy (Action 7.5) of the Australian Government calls for the growth and development of high-quality products and experiences around unique Australian locations and themes, including approaches which integrate sustainable nature tourism with economic opportunities for Traditional Owners, and capitalising on emerging tourism trends such as geotourism.’

The acknowledgement of Aboriginal cultural heritage beyond the benefits offered through geotourism includes the need to ensure it is appropriately protected. This will ensure that the preservation of Aboriginal cultural heritage is as important as that of mining and other aspects of cultural landscapes, thus leading to improving the public perception of mining professionals and the industries in which they work.

Webinar time: 12.00pm - 1.00pm AEST


Angus M Robinson

Managing Director, Leisure Solutions Pty Ltd
Joining The AusIMM as a student in 1968, Angus is an exploration geologist by profession and training and now is currently engaged in geotourism activities. In recent years he has served in a pro-bono capacity as Coordinator, for AGC’s Geotourism Australia and is also an Advisor
on geotourism for EnviroMETS Qld Ltd, an agency improving residual outcomes from mining operations.

A former two-term Councillor of The AusIMM, he is also a longstanding member of the Heritage Committee of The AusIMM, and currently a member of its Social & Environment Society Management Committee. Over the past 30 years, Angus has been engaged in leadership roles relating to technology diffusion through The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering at The University of Sydney, technology park development, and as Chief Executive of a major manufacturing industry association.

Date and Time

Tuesday, 08 October 2024
12.00pm – 1.00pm (UTC+10:00)


Member: Free
Non Member: $30
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