Confirmed presenter
Confirmed presenter
Zeyad Alwahabi
Managing Director, Laserscope Pty Ltd
Zeyad Alwahabi obtained Ph.D in laser spectroscopy from University of Sussex, England. In 2021, he founded Laserscope focusing on chemical detection and providing technical solutions leading to efficient pathways. Laserscope has been working with local and international clients in several projects including plasma devices, in situ elemental mapping in soil and sensitive real-time gold detection. Prof Alwahabi has held several positions at the University of Adelaide, and he led many laser diagnostics programs for practical and applied laser spectroscopy. Working with researchers at Centre of Energy Technology, he secured over $M6 in competitive research funds. He taught environmental transport processes and process control & instrumentations at the under- and post-graduate levels. Prof Alwahabi has established international laser diagnostics collaborative programs with many institutes including Lund University in Sweden, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, and KAUST University in Saudi Arabia. He published over 250 peer-reviewed articles and he is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Adelaide, a member of the international laser induced breakdown spectroscopy committee and an Optica senior member.