Unlocking Resilience: Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert to Headline AusIMM's International Women's Day Lunch in Melbourne
Prepare for an extraordinary event as Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert, an inspiration of resilience, takes centre stage once again at AusIMM's International Women's Day Lunch in Melbourne on Wednesday, 6 March.
Dr. Kylie's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. A falsely detained Iranian prisoner, she endured the unimaginable – solitary confinement, a sham trial, and a 10-year sentence. Graduating with first-class honours in Arabic and Hebrew from the University of Cambridge and holding a Ph.D. in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies from the University of Melbourne, Kylie's academic achievements didn't shield her from the harrowing conditions of imprisonment.
After serving 804 days of her unjust sentence, Kylie was brought back to Australia in a prisoner exchange deal in November 2020. Her resilience and determination to advocate for unjustly detained individuals highlight her unwavering commitment to positive change.
MC Neroli Meadows Guides the Conversation
Award-winning Australian journalist, Neroli Meadows, known for her 20-year career in live sports, magazine shows, news, and in-depth interviews, will guide the inspiring conversation between attendees and keynote speaker Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert.
Refelecting on Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are indispensable values in the twenty-first century workplace. Recognising that we are stronger because of our differences is an important first step toward including everybody in our efforts to affect positive change.
Women’s voices have historically been undervalued and overlooked, particularly in heavily male-dominated industries. This is not only unjust, but it also makes poor business sense. By making space for diverse voices and experiences we are able to ensure that everyone thrives and contributes, which fosters a more collaborative and productive work environment. It is only when we include everyone that we are able to drive positive change together.
– Dr. Kylie Moore-Gilbert, 2024
A Not-be-missed Story of Resilience in Melbourne
Dr. Kylie's compelling narrative captivated a sell out audience at our Perth International Women's Day lunch event in 2023. This Melbourne occasion guarantees another captivating chapter in her remarkable journey. The unimaginable circumstances she encountered have reshaped her views on ambition, achievement, and the essence of what truly matters.
What to Expect in Her IWD Address in Melbourne
Kylie provides insight into her highly awaited Melbourne presentation: "My keynote will address the importance of human connection in finding the resilience to overcome adversity. While I will draw on my prison experience, I believe many of the lessons I learnt are universal and can be applied to a wide variety of life’s challenges."