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Mill Operators Conference

Supersonic testwork to optimise your flotation performance

Article by Matthew Stewart - Director Testwork, Joshua Pethick -Testwork Engineer, and Quinton Losper - Flotation Product Manager, Metso
· 1,245 words, 6 minute read

As high-grade ore deposits become scarcer, mining operations are increasingly targeting complex and lower-grade ore bodies. These ores often contain valuable fine and ultrafine particles, which present significant challenges in mineral processing, particularly in flotation.

Figure 1. Decline in gold and copper grades. Copyright S&P Global

Particles smaller than 20µm pose unique challenges in flotation due to their high specific surface area, low momentum, small mass, and high surface energy. These characteristics lead to issues such as:

  • Higher Reagent Consumption: Fine and ultrafine particles require increased reagent dosages due to their high surface energy, leading to higher operational costs and environmental concerns.
  • Low Energy for Bubble Attachment: The small mass and low momentum of these particles reduce their likelihood to attach to bubbles, affecting flotation efficiency and recovery.

Current research involving traditional flotation technologies, including mechanical and column flotation, show these technologies struggle to effectively recover fine and ultrafine particles. The Concorde Cell™ was developed originally by Professor Jameson and further developed by Metso to address these challenges. Concorde Cell™ enhances the flotation rate and recovery by optimising bubble-particle interactions by reducing bubble size. Creating smaller bubbles with the same overall volume greatly increases the available surface area boosting both collision and attachment efficiencies—crucial for fine particle flotation.

The Concorde Cell™ launched in 2021 and Concorde Blast Tube™ Upgrade, launched by Metso in 2022, represents a significant evolution in flotation technology. This advanced pneumatic flotation cell utilises a supersonic shockwave for fine bubble generation and a high-shear environment, designed specifically to improve the recovery of fine and ultrafine particles. The Concorde Cell™ has been successfully installed in various mining operations globally, including  copper, gold, and metallurgical coal.

Understanding the Concorde Cell Technology

The key differentiation between the self-aspirated downcomer and the Concorde Blast Tube are listed below. 

Concorde Blast Tube
  SAP Downcomer  

Operates under pressure from a forced air source

Operates under vacuum through self-aspiration

Two nozzles  (top and bottom) to accelerate air-slurry bubbly mixture to supersonic conditions

Single top nozzle

Impingement bowl for increased bubble dispersion

Open-ended pipe

Three contact zones for more efficient bubble-particle attachment in the Blast Tube, shockwave, impingement bowl

One contact zone for bubble-particle attachment in the downcomer

The recovery process can be described in two stages. In the first stage, small bubbles are formed in the Blast Tube under pressure. The feed enters as a plunging jet and mixes with the air under pressure. In the second stage, the aerated mixture then passes through a choke, where it reaches the speed of sound appropriate to the local conditions.

Downstream of the choke, the flow conditions become supersonic, and a sonic shockwave is created. On passing through the choke, there is a significant change in pressure over a small distance and the bubbles reduce markedly in size. The function of the impingement bowl is crucial in proving efficient dispersion of small bubbles back into the tank and reduce any turbulences for increased bubble-particle collision. At the same time the impingement bowl prevents the bubbly air-slurry mixture from bypassing straight to the tails.

Figure 2 - Mineral-rich froth on Concorde Labcell
Figure 3 - Concorde Labcell can also be run with froth washing
Supporting client demand with Concorde testwork options

Metso has a number of Concorde testwork options in Australia, including a labcell and a containerised pilot test rig, both of which can be easily mobilised for onsite testing, if necessary. Recently Metso conducted a laboratory scale testwork programme, to assess the performance of the Concorde Technology with a client’s ultrafine spodumene tailings sample. The testing sought to determine the achievable spodumene recovery, grade and enrichment ratio by conducting a series of batch tests with varying testwork parameters. Typical flotation parameters such as flotation time, froth washing, reagent types (collector, frother, dispersant etc..), dosages and conditioning time can all be tested along with some Concorde Technology specific parameters such as air flow rates, slurry flow rates and top and bottom nozzle sizes and parings. The air and slurry flow rates combine to create the Concorde Technology specific term of air to pulp ratio (ARP).

Each batch test consumes 30-40 litres of slurry at the desired slurry density of the flotation process stream. With only one parameter changed per test, the total slurry requirement can become quite large, especially for greenfields projects. In these instances, Metso can still conduct testwork with a more targeted approach dependent on customer requirements.

Figure 4 - Concorde containerised Labcell 
Figure 5 - Close up of Concorde Labcell

In the case of the recently conducted spodumene testwork, limited sample was available, so the testing was targeted towards varying the collector dosage and testing the effectiveness of froth washing on improving the concentrate grade. Two spodumene samples were tested, one being -50µm with the other having a large portion of the -8µm material removed via cyclones. 

Testing was conducted by conditioning the spodumene sample, within the Concorde labcell’s inbuilt mixing tank, with the desired dosage of collector for ten minutes. The conditioned slurry was then pumped into the Concorde Cell shown in figure 5. The cell is only filled to 300-400 mm below the lip. At this point the feed pump is manually locked to the desired slurry flowrate whilst a second pump draws the tails from the bottom of the Concorde Cell, regulating the froth depth and mass pull rate. This second pump recycles the tails from the Concorde Cell back into the mixing tank.

With the cell filled with the conditioned slurry the air is turned on and is injected into the blast tube, where it meets the conditioned slurry. Once the froth is established the recycle pumps output can be manually adjusted to control the concentrate pull rate. Froth washing is also turned on.

Timed concentrates are taken on an intuitive basis to produce a grade vs recovery curve. Once the concentrate becomes visually barren of any valuable minerals or the sample can no longer maintain a stable froth depth, the test can be finalised.

The Concorde Technology achieved on average an enrichment ratio of 2.9 for the uncycloned sample and 2.8 for the sample with majority of the -8µm material removed.

Figure 6: Spodumene Recovery vs Grade                Figure 7: Upgrade Ratios vs Spodumene Recovery

With a head grade of 0.48% for the uncycloned sample, the Concorde Technology achieved a cumulative concentrate grade of 2.5% spodumene with a recovery of 37%, with froth washing. These positive results will be used to present a case for further, more in depth onsite testwork. This testwork will provide confidence in the Concorde Cell Technology sizing and process performance guarantees.

Mill Ops 2024 workshop – see Concorde labcell testwork in action!

Want to learn more and see the Concorde labcell in action? As part of the Mill Operators programme, a workshop on testwork and flowsheet simulation is happening at Metso’s state-of-the-art lab in Perth. The workshop “Dewatering and ultrafine flotation testwork, using the data, simulating your flowsheet” is on Thursday 24 October at the Metso Perth Technology Center. Participants will see first-hand how Metso conducts dewatering (high-rate thickening and filtration) and ultrafine flotation (Concorde) testwork.

Plus learn how the data generated by testwork and piloting programs is used to develop flowsheets.

An impressive team of Metso experts will facilitate the workshop. Book your spot now as spaces are very limited!

Thank you for attending the Mill Operators Conference 2024

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