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Mill Operators Conference

Introduction to Metal Accounting Best Practice Workshop

Introduction to Metal Accounting Best Practice Workshop

We are proud to host the Introduction to Metal Accounting Best Practice Workshop for the Mill Operators Conference

Metal accounting is a multidisciplinary process requiring inputs from across the mining value chain.

Knowledge and skills in metal accounting are essential for professionals at all stages of their career if they are to provide the necessary support to maintain competitiveness in the minerals industry.

Conducted by experienced facilitators from AusIMM’s popular Professional Certificate in Metal Accounting, this foundational workshop will:
  • Introduce participants to key best practice principles in metal accounting and the AMIRA P754 Code of Practice.

  • Provide broad understanding of some of the core metal accounting requirements and considerations that can help improve the effectiveness of the metal accounting process
  • Gain a fundamental understanding of how to accurately track and estimate metal production from delivery into the process plant through to saleable product so you can be more effective in your role.
By attending this workshop, you can gain insights that will help you:
  • Identify how you could better report results in a transparent and accurate manner.
  • Understand the impact of sound metal accounts on the broader business.
  • Positively impact company reputation, corporate governance, and market credibility through improving your metal accounting practices.
  • Assist your business in understanding limitations, variability, and risks in their metal accounting systems.
  • Approach metal accounting with a value focus and best practice mindset.
Who should attend?
  • Metallurgists
  • Metallurgical managers
  • Plant operators
  • Geologists
  • Laboratory scientists
  • IT personnel
  • Other mining sector professionals that would benefit from an understanding of metal accounting

Workshop Facilitators

Dr Gail Gnoinski

Dr Gail Gnoinski is one of the primary facilitators for the AusIMM’s Professional Certificate in Metal Accounting and will be presenting her paper at the Mill Operators 2024 Conference. Gail is a geologist and geochemist who has spent the past twenty years working in the mining and minerals processing industries, in a variety of roles ranging from governance and standards, metals tracking value-chain optimisation, mine geology operations, laboratory management and petrological-geochemical services, for multi-national corporates in Australia, South America, South Africa and Namibia. She has a track record in the development and implementation of metal accounting best practices and improving efficiencies from the geo-metallurgical interface to the process plant and refinery/smelter and the final product, to capture value leakage and mitigate risk to ensure that organisations are better informed about the performance of their operations, and that financial reports are based on accurate and traceable data. Gail is passionate about education in the minerals industry, and has actively led through mentorship of graduates, and facilitating workshops in sampling theory, geo-metallurgy, metal accounting reporting together with industry experts, aimed at the development and progression of operational knowledge and performance to competence and excellence.

Karen McCaffery

Karen McCaffery is one of the primary facilitators for the AusIMM’s Professional Certificate in Metal Accounting and is co-author on a paper being presented at the Mill Operators 2024 Conference.

Karen has more than 35 years’ experience in the mining and minerals industry. Since graduating as a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering, she has worked directly for several major mining houses in a range of operational leadership, technical support, project development, business & strategic planning and business excellence roles within the metallurgical function and more recently, by consulting to industry.

Areas of specific expertise include metal accounting, having developed and deployed a comprehensive metal accounting standard and guideline based on the AMIRA Metal Accounting Code of Practice for a mining major, developing and embedding sound applied geo-metallurgical practices into day-to-day operations and production business planning and, process operational performance improvement across the complete plant flowsheet.

With over 25 years expatriate experience, a large part of her work has also been to develop others including metallurgists, engineers, operators and technicians to build their skills and capability. This includes building and managing a successful new graduate training scheme for metallurgists, mechanical and electrical engineers.

icon-pd-hours-01.png 7 PD Hours


Thursday, 24 October 2024


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth WA 6000


Morning and Afternoon tea included


AusIMM Members – $400 
Non-members – $500


Register now

If you wish to register for the workshop only and not attend the whole conference click here.

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