Melanie Fisher
Global Head of Health, BHP
Melanie is the Head of Health in the Global Health & Hygiene team within Group Health, Safety and Security.
Melanie has over 20 years’ experience in workplace health and wellbeing and is an experienced leader, psychologist, therapist, coach and facilitator and HR professional. Melanie has significant professional experience in such job design, human factors, behavioural and psychological safety and psychosocial risk assessment, safety investigations, mental health and fatigue, executive leadership and learning and talent, culture change and psychological assessment.
Melanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations) from Curtin University; a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Curtin University; a Post Graduate Degree in Rehabilitation Psychology from Curtin University and a Master’s Degree in Industrial and Occupational Psychology from the University of Western Australia.
Melanie began her career as Psychologist supporting the WA Police Force and was involved in developing their strategy to improve psychological health as well as supporting recovery from trauma and critical incidents and worked with many specialist divisions. Melanie then worked across a number of government and private organisations delivering health, psychological, behavioural and cultural interventions, Melanie also held a faculty role at the University of New South Wales in Executive Education alongside working in for a consulting firm servicing many global mining and oil and gas. Melanie completed her Masters Degree in 2008 on the efficacy of leadership development on psychological health and wellbeing. In 2021,
Melanie commenced her current role with BHP, based in Perth, to lead the strategy and approach to [psychosocial risk, mental and physical health, capability development and to go beyond zero harm to enable a competent and thriving workforce.
Melanie is a registered psychologist, endorsed Organisational Psychologist and a Board approved supervisor with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for Psychology and holds a number of other professional memberships and affiliations in the field of Psychology and Human Resource Management. Melanie regularly speaks at industry forums and professional engagements in her field in the areas of Wellbeing and Psychological Health and Safety.