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Conference workshops

Conference workshops

Application of critical control management to psychosocial safety

Incorporates insights for facilitating and critiquing bowtie analyses

Hosted by the University of Queensland - Sustainable Minerals Institute and presented by Professor Maureen Hassall, Director of Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre as well as Libby Humphries, Lecturer and Research Fellow - Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre. The workshop discussion and activities will provide an overview and an opportunity to practice the development of a psychosocial bowtie and control specifications consistent with the ICMM critical control management guidelines. The workshop is intended for industry practitioners seeking to explore how to align the management of psychosocial risks with current risk and critical control management processes.


Professor Maureen Hassall

Director of Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre
Professor Maureen Hassall is Director and Professorial Research Fellow of UQ’s Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC) and director of UQ R!SK at The University of Queensland. She has over 30 years experience working in industry and in academia developing and leading innovative transformational change projects in the areas of worker, systems and process safety, risk management, and human factors. She is passionate about delivering evidence-based research and education solutions that deliver significant and sustainable improvements to the health, safety, and her qualifications include Bachelors degrees engineering and science(psychology), a MBA and a PhD in Cognitive Systems Engineering. Maureen is a Registered and Chartered Professional Engineer, a Certified Practicing Ergonomist, and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Libby Humphries

Lecturer and Research Fellow - Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre
Libby has over 20 years experience in health and safety including the development and delivery health and safety management systems and risk management planning within aluminium smelting and uranium mining and consulting to coal seam gas contracting companies. She has lived across Australia including Gladstone (Qld), Jabiru (NT) and Parkes (NSW) and has tertiary qualifications in psychology, project management and health and safety. She is passionate about health and safety management systems including the effectiveness of competency frameworks and educating to improve health and psychosocial risk management.


Register for International Mine Health and Safety 2024 to attend the conference workshops

If you have already registered to attend the International Mine Health and Safety Conference and wish to add this workshop to your registration, please contact 


Monday 15 April 2024


9am - 4pm


Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre


AusIMM Members - $550
Non-Members - $600



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