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Conference workshops

Conference workshops

WorkSafe Mines Safety Workshops

Managing Atmospheric Exposure Risks on Mines (1:00pm - 2:30pm)

Presented by WorkSafe Mines Safety

  • Dr Andrew Harman
  • Paul Foley

Hosted by WorkSafe Mines Safety, this workshop and discussion will present a review of mine worker exposure data from one of the world’s largest worker exposure databases held by WA Mines Safety. The presentation will link that data to illness data, the regulatory frameworks to protect workers and the incidence of silicosis in the WA mining industry.

The scientific methods in assessing risk presented by respiratory hazards such as respirable crystalline silica, diesel particulates and welding fume, the challenges that can occur and some practical approaches to risk management will be discussed.

Mine Safety Management Systems – What’s All the Fuss? (3:00pm - 4:30pm)

Presented by WorkSafe Mines Safety

  • Peter Nissen

WA’s WHS laws came into effect in 2022. One of the key changes has been the formal requirement for Mine Operators to develop and implement a Mine Safety Management System (MSMS). The MSMS is the primary means of providing processes and methods to ensure the safe operation of the mine. The end of the transition period for full implementation is looming, with all mines expected to have their MSMS implemented by 31 March 2024.

This session will explore the requirements to develop an effective MSMS, but more importantly, will focus on ensuring the MSMS is implemented effectively and is working to help keep workers safe.

The workshop is for anyone still wondering about the requirements of an effective MSMS, and those looking for ideas on streamlining their health and safety processes.


Register for International Mine Health and Safety 2024 to attend the conference workshops

If you have already registered to attend the International Mine Health and Safety Conference and wish to add this workshop to your registration, or you wish to attend the workshop only, you can register seperately with the following link:


Monday 15 April 2024


1pm - 4:30pm


Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre


$50 inc GST


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