Thought-provoking panels discussions
Thought-provoking panels discussions
Showcasing leading best practice in mineral resource estimation
The Mineral Resource Estimation Conference 2025 boasts interactive panel discussions with expert panellists to review the pressing challenges impacting resource estimation and the exciting opportunities on the horizon.
More details coming soon!
Panel. Geological modelling software: Development and limitations
Software is a driving force that has the potential to deliver rapid change. As an industry how do we continue to push change?
Panel. Domaining: Do we still need it?
With the lessons from the last 50 years, the advent of new technologies and the changing nature of our economic mineral deposits, are estimation domains still relevant or are there alternatives?
Panel. The Future of Geostatistics
Exploring the current developments in geostatistics and how they can improve the accuracy of predictions and risk evaluations for mineral resource estimators.
The Parker Challenge Results
How do the differences we bring to our professional practice affect the results we produce? How different can an estimate be when the only difference is the person responsible for the estimate? Let’s find out!