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Accepted Abstracts

Accepted Abstracts

The 2022 selected abstracts are now available

Abstract themes include;

  • Grade control
  • Reconciliation
  • Drilling and sampling
  • Software and technology
  • Geology-mine plan integration
  • Fundamentals of resource estimation
  • Thinking outside the block
Theme Abstract Author Company
Drilling and sampling Abstract 9 - Using alternative diamond drilling technologies at Ernest Henry Mine – a fractured aquifer case study Elizabeth Philippa Ernest Henry Mining
Drilling and Sampling Abstract 89 - Quantifying the Value of Drilling using Decoupled Net Present Value Analysis Perry Collier Rio Tinto
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 12 - Empirical Geostatistics Kriging Slope of Regression Sensitivities and Impacts on Estimation, Classification and Final Selection Danny Kentwell SRK Consulting
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 14 - Measuring spatial domain models’ uncertainty for mining industries Scott McManus Charles Sturt Univeristy
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 20 - Categorical and multiple indicator kriging - are we ignoring the geology Ian Glacken Optiro
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 21 - The Evolution of Structural & Lithological Domaining on the Spotted Quoll Nickel Sulphide Resource Estimate Andre Wulfse Western Areas Ltd
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 25 - Machine Learning in Resource Geology Why Data Quality is Critical Fletcher Pym IGO
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 28 - You don't know what you don't know Phil Micale AMC Consultants
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 3 - Estimation methods of the Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu-Co deposit Kelsey Crook IGO
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 44 - Dynamic grade control modelling processes at the Waihi Underground Gold Mine William Vigor-Brown Oceanagold
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 47 - Value of information Blast hole assay tool spacing analysis using geostatistical simulations Jay Ashford BHP
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 49 - Geostatistical Modelling of Geometallurgical Domains Will Patton BHP
Fundamentals of resource estimation Abstract 7 - Indicator Kriging Saves the Day Improving Reconciliation Emma Conroy Rio Tinto
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 10 - Camp scale structural influence on the Ernest Henry orebody below current mining levels Elizabeth Philippa Ernest Henry Mining
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 2 - Optimal Ore Blending Given Geological Uncertainty Rick Jeuken BHP
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 23 - An Explosion of Variety in the Degrussa Structural Vineyard Peter Willems Sandfire Resources
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 24 - Low Angle Thrust Faults at Goonyella Riverside Mine Hamish Pescini BHP
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 30 - Creating optimized drill programs that add real value, and integrate with mine planning Nick Anderson Deswik
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 5 - The Use of 3D Seismic to Optimise Mine Plans at the Structurally Complex Blackwater Mine Noel Pranoto BHP
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 51 - Goldilocks Value of information for geoscience applied to tactical time horizons Ben Haase BHP
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 6 - Grade Control and Deleterious Materials in Polymetallic Deposits Raymond Goldie Independent Analyst And Director
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 54 - Improving crusher throughput using a problematic ore index based on simple, first principles geology Glenn Gerber BHP
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 64 - Predicting and Modelling Bond work Index Using Chemistry (as a proxy for mineralogy) Rizal Fraval Newcrest Mining Limited
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 90 - Goodbye from the Argyle diamond deposit Murray Rayner Rio Tinto
Geology-mine plan integration Abstract 91 - Maximising the Value of Yandicoogina Orebody - Mine Geology Perspective Jasmin Halilovic Rio Tinto
Grade Control Abstract 92 - Improvement of the grade control procedure at the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine, Southern Mongolia S Amar-Amgalan Oyu Tolgoi LLC
Grade Control Abstract 96 - A novel innovation for grade control Lee Julian OBC
Reconciliation Abstract 11 - The Golden Mile 130 years of mining and the challenges posed for todays Mine Geologist Emma Murray-hayden KCGM
Reconciliation Abstract 19 - Practical Mineral Resource reconciliation and risk modelling a case study from Nova-Bollinger Fletcher Pym IGO
Reconciliation Abstract 41 - MineSense Technology Empowering Bucket Resolution Mine to Mill Reconciliation Hannah Lang Minesense Technologies Ltd
Reconciliation Abstract 67 - Quality Programs (QAQC) on Sample Stations a prerequisite to achieve Standards requirements and perform a robust Reconciliation Oscar Dominguez BHP
Reconciliation Abstract 68 - QAQC Proactive Quality Management (QM) supporting Reconciliation results Oscar Dominguez BHP
Reconciliation Abstract 88 - Mine Reconciliation as a Driver of Improvement Best Practice in Reporting and Analysis Rayleen Hargreaves Snowden
Software and Technology Abstract 13 - Applying supervised machine learning and multiscale analysis on drill core data to improve geological logging Fang Huang CSIRO
Software and Technology Abstract 18 - Probabilistic boundary modelling through fusion of exploration, blast hole and structural data via Gaussian Processes Anna Chlingaryan The University of Sydney
Software and Technology Abstract 29 - Digital geological mapping; payoffs, pitfalls and pathways to successful mapping digitalization Nick Anderson Deswik
Software and Technology Abstract 31 - Implementation of Three Dimensional Blast Movement Modelling to Reduce Dilution at a Sub-Saharan Copper Mine Desmond Nanchengwa  
Software and Technology Abstract 34 - Ore quality measurement and control using GEOSCAN-M PGNAA real time elemental analysis Henry Kurth Scantech International
Software and Technology Abstract 35 - SBRE a simple, flexible and scalable framework to perform conditional simulations for uncertainty quantification Ilnur Minniakhmetov BHP
Software and Technology Abstract 4 - Harnessing data complexity - How machine learning applies all project data for accurate resource modelling Steve Sullivan Maptek
Software and Technology Abstract 42 - Unlocking coal resource uncertainty using simulations Ranjan Saha BHP
Software and Technology Abstract 45 - From paper to bytes; Digital mapping implementation Abe Whaanga  
Software and Technology Abstract 46 - ShovelSense Measuring Grade At Bucket Resolution The New Tool In The Mine Geologist Toolbox Maarten Haest Minesense
Software and Technology Abstract 65 - Rethinking variogram modeling Alexander Boucher AR2Tech
Software and Technology Abstract 69 - Driving improvements to underground diamond drilling effectiveness through real-time implicit modelling at Olympic Dam James Taylor BHP
Software and Technology Abstract 70 - The evolution of the Monty Geological model and the revolution of the onsite modelling and grade control processes James Crow Sandfire Resources NL
Thinking outside the block Abstract 99 - Linking Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve classification with techno-economic study levels and forecast relative accuracy Mark Noppe SRK Consulting

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