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MOLTEN Conference 2024

Is Your Pyrometallurgical Testing Idea Better Than Rob’s?

Glencore Technology
· 200 words, 1 minute read

Glencore Technology and AusIMM are giving away a $93,000 Pyro Testing Service; just pitch your idea!

Is your idea submission better than Rob's?

Q. What formal title would you like to call your proposed test?
A. Chasing Green Nickel.

Q. What materials do you propose to test?
A. A mixed Nickel-Lead sulphide concentrate.

Q. What products do you believe can be produced?
A. A lead bullion and a nickel rich slag.

Q. What factors do you want to test for?
A. The distribution of nickel and lead between the slag and bullion with different wt% Pb in slag targets.
Q. How does your idea contribute to the transition to a circular economy model?
A. It enables complex orebodies to be smelted. The mixed Ni-Pb concentrates are currently unable to be processed. With increasingly complex orebodies, lead sulphides and nickel sulphides can be present in fine grained and co-mingled in orebodies. This makes separation via beneficiation techniques complex. As an alternative to a milling and floating, smelting the bulk Pb Ni concentrate is a potentially viable option for some materials. This would potentially unlock complex orebodies containing these base metals, critical for our green energy future.

So, do you think you have a winning idea? Find out more and enter today!

1. Register

Register as a delegate for MOLTEN 2024, for the 12th International Conference of Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts.

Only submissions from registered conference attendees will be considered for the Main Prize, valued at up to $USD93,000.

Entries have now closed

2. Answer 5 questions

You will need to answer five simple questions via the Entry Form

  1. What materials do you propose to test?
  2. What products do you believe can be produced?
  3. What factors do you want to test for?
  4. What outcomes would make for a ‘successful’ conclusion?
  5. How does your idea contribute to the transition to a circular economy model?

3. Submit your best idea to win!

Once your ready, submit your entry based on the 5 questions and go into the running of winning our Main Prize; $USD93,000 worth of pilot testing for your pyrometallurgical idea at Glencore Technology's newly built ISASMELT™ Test Hub at the University of Queensland. 

Entries have now closed

Second Prize

If you are unable to attend MOLTEN 2024 but still wish to submit an idea, you can still participate and go into the running to win our second prize:

Discounted access to the ISASMELT™ Test Hub, valued at $USD30,000.

Thank you for attending MOLTEN 2024

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