Conference Speakers
Conference Speakers
Plenary Presentation
Challenges facing non-ferrous metal production
Dr Pekka Taskinen
Retired Professor, Aalto University, Finland
Please note, Dr Taskinen's abstract co-author and successor as professor of thermodynamics at Aalto Uni, Daniel Lindberg, will be presenting this address.
Dr Pekka Taskinen was appointed as a full professor of thermodynamics and modelling at HUT (Helsinki University of Technology) in 2008 (from 2010 onwards Aalto University). Professor Taskinen held adjunct professor positions in HUT and Oulu University since 1982 and 1991, respectively, and a guest professorship at Central South University (CSU) in China 2013-2017. He held several industrial R&D positions in Outokumpu Group (later Outotec) since 1983 until 2008. He has PhD degree in Theoretical Process Metallurgy from HUT (1981) and was as post-doc at Max Planck Institute in 1981.
He has published more than 260 publications in peer-reviewed Journals and 180 Conference publications. In addition, he is author in 55 public technical reports, 56 workshop and professional magazine publications. He has 20 patents. His educational activities include lectures in thermodynamics, smelting technologies and related seminars. During his 9 years professor career he educated 19 PhD candidates to defence, and 3 out of those were double degrees with CSU.
Since his retirement at Aalto University in 2017, he has acted as consultant for international and local companies, and supervisor of academic theses. He acts as peer reviewer in several high-reputation Journals in the field of thermodynamics and metals processing with the current rate of 50-70 manuscripts pa.