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Committee member

Committee member


Shirlee Duke

University of Queensland

Shirlee is studying a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Human Resources at the University of Queensland. She chose this career path as she has a passion for the resources and products that form the building blocks of today’s society. She has a keen interest in understanding processing systems as well as our most valuable resource as a community; people, and believes that a degree in human resources will foster her career as a successful chemical engineer.

She has been fortunate enough to gain experience in the industry through previously completing vacation programs for Glencore Coal in the Hunter Valley, NSW at their Coal Handling & Preparation Plants and in extractive metallurgy within the Rio Tinto Bell Bay Aluminium Smelter.

Shirlee was the 2020 AusIMM Southern Queensland Student Chapter (SQSC) Secretary, and in 2021, leads the Student Chapter as President. She was first introduced to the AusIMM SQSC in 2019 when she competed in the Local Mining Games, and later attended the AusIMM New Leaders Conference and National Mining Games held in Perth. Shirlee is excited for Brisbane to host the National Mining Games and the New Leaders Conference in 2021 and is looking forward to seeing these events bring together and nurture the growth of the future and current leaders of the industry.

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