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Operationalising ESG

PD Hours

Operationalising ESG

PD Hours

Learn to examine and critique Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) from a systems and operational perspective, with an emphasis on proper analysis, good management and demonstrable performance.



Quick facts

Duration Delivery Course Type Next Intake PD Hours Language
20 hours
5 weeks
100% online
Short course
Up to 20


Course overview

Discover the Operationalising ESG Short Course at a glance.

Designed for leaders in operational, project development and studies roles, this course examines ESG-related matters through critical thinking and reference to real experience.

Wide-ranging in scope, the course equips participants with an understanding of existing and emerging ESG performance expectations in minerals exploration, development, operating and closure contexts. Over four weeks, the content examines, critiques and debates ESG from a systems and operational perspective, with an emphasis on proper analysis, good management and demonstrable performance.

Learn how to:

  • Address ESG performance expectations in mine operations and project development
  • Filter the many competing ESG expectations and identify ESG priorities in specific context
  • Identify and gauge by reference to cost and value ESG-related risks (opportunities and threats)
  • Manage operations and projects to meet stakeholder expectations, ESG risk exposures, ESG-related assurance and performance reporting requirements.

In modern mining, to be successful leaders professionals in technical and managerial roles need a good understanding of, and accountability for, good environmental and social outcomes consistent with the expectations of host communities, regulators, investors and employees. This course provides a comprehensive grounding in environmental and social matters relevant to the minerals industry and the governance requirements necessary to ensure their consistent good management.  

For operations professionals with no previous exposure to ESG, the course provides a powerful introduction; for those with some ESG exposure, it provides an expanded grounding, a compelling synthesis and a timely update. Professionals with scientific and engineering backgrounds are ideally placed to analyse and manage business issues and risk – this course is designed to extend that expertise to the management of ESG matters.

Course pricing

A discount of 10% is available for groups of 3 or more participants from the same organisation who enrol for the same course intake in a single booking. This discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
Price inclusive of 10% GST
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Price is inclusive of 10% GST
Price inclusive of 10% GST
Group training
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Operationalising ESG course overview

What is ESG? What does the Operationalising ESG Short Course entail? What prior knowledge should participants have before enrolling? Head of Professional Standards, Sustainability and ESG, AusIMM, and facilitator of the Operationalising ESG Short Course, Narelle Wolfe, explains exactly who the course is suited to, and the reasons companies should consider enrolling their staff.


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Learning objectives

  • Describe how historical ideas about sustainability has evolved into the societal, regulatory, corporate and financial sector expectations called ESG that exist today and continue to evolve.
  • Explain how the minerals sector can contribute to sustainability by converting in-situ mineral endowment into enduring social and human value without detriment to the world’s total stock of environmental capital.
  • Explain a risk-and materiality-based approach to ESG analysis that focuses attention and action on the most material ESG-related issues in an operating asset context.
  • Design and manage operational activities that address material ESG-related risks and add value to a range of stakeholders.
  • Discuss mine planning with positive post-closure environmental and social legacies in mind.
  • Identify various global ESG-related principles, standards, indices and certification schemes that are most relevant to resource sector operations and what they variously aim to do.
  • Explain the importance of assurance in achieving ESG performance improvement and social acceptance of the minerals sector.
  • Describe why and how operating assets need to contribute verifiable data into the compilation of mining company Sustainability Reports.

Course structure

The five-week course is a collaborative, hands-on learning experience, taking learners approximately 20 hours to complete. Please note the live sessions are not mandatory, the virtual classrooms will be recorded and available on the same day for participants who are unable to attend the live event.

Course content includes:

  • Live virtual classroom sessions (with replay available)
  • Additional resources and readings (case studies, videos, articles)
  • Selective examples of tools used
  • Interactive learning activities and discussion
  • Learning activities and short quizzes

Free template

Business case to attend

Getting approval to undertake a course can sometimes be a challenge. To assist you in putting together a compelling business case to your manager, we have prepared an email template. It’s easy to use – just copy, fill in the blanks and email to your manager.

Who should attend?

Leaders in operational roles, such as

  • Operations General Managers
  • Mining Managers
  • Plant Managers
  • Project Directors
  • Study Managers
  • Project Managers


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Course facilitators

All programs have been developed in consultation with leading organisations in the mining industry, subject matter experts and community leaders to ensure you gain the latest knowledge and develop relevant skills to accelerate your career.

Bruce Harvey

Geologist, Social Performance Professional
Bruce has 45 years of worldwide field experience in the resources sector, first as an exploration geologist and for the past 25 years as a Social Performance professional. He was Global Practice Leader Social Performance at a major resources company for eight years.

He is an Adjunct Professor at the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland and until recently was a Guest Lecturer at the University of Otago (NZ) MBA School delivering a course called ‘Leading Sustainable Enterprises’.

A member of the AusIMM Social and Environment Committee, he facilitated the development the Institute’s Social Responsibility Framework and the Environment and Social Performance competency development tool.

Narelle Wolfe

Head of Professional Standards, Sustainability and ESG, AusIMM
Narelle is a long-term advocate for the importance of Professional Standards, ESG and D&I in enhancing value for the mining sector for almost 30 years. She has worked across various commodities and jurisdictions within AngloGold, Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Xstrata Coal, Rio Tinto, Arrow Energy, MMG Limited and St Barbara Ltd. Since 2023, she has been the Head of Professional Standards, Sustainability and ESG at AusIMM.

Narelle has developed and driven strategies, systems and processes that assess, lift and monitor internal and external performance for organisations. She is passionate about empowering teams by providing structure and building the capability of practitioners and organisations.

Mahdi Mason

ESG Partnerships Manager, AusIMM
Dr Mahdi Mason is an accomplished Environment and Sustainability Manager with more than 20 years’ experience across the mining, government and transport sectors. She has a passion for improving sustainability culture in organisations. Currently, she is the ESG Partnership Manager at AusIMM

Course modules


Module 1

Introduction to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG): what is it and where did it come from?

  1. Describe the historical context of Sustainability from which ESG originated and discuss emerging regulatory, societal and finance sector expectations.
  2. Explain how mining can contribute to sustainability by optimising the conversion of in situ mineral endowment (natural capital) into enduring human, social and built capital.
  3. Describe ESG-related ‘control architecture’ and its critical elements.
  4. Describe and discuss moral, ethical and reputational dilemma.


Module 2

ESG impact, risk, materiality and stakeholder analysis

  1. Explain the role of ESIA in the permitting and regulation of minerals operations.
  2. Explain a risk-and materiality-based approach to ESG analysis at operating asset level, including the relationship between ESG outbound impact and ESG inbound risk.
  3. Describe why it is important to identify and prioritise various stakeholders, identify what is important to them and the different forms that interaction can take.
  4. Describe why and how social risk assessment needs to take into account the human tendency for emotional amplification of threat.
  5. Explain essential factors for gaining trust.


Module 3

ESG in operations management, business resilience and closure planning

  1. Describe the importance of ESG performance across all functional areas at an operating asset, with some examples.
  2. Discuss the importance of ESG-related performance metrics.
  3. Describe the need for crisis and emergency management and the specific challenges of unforeseen events such as extreme weather, fires, earthquakes and tailings dam failures.
  4. Discuss mine planning with the end in mind, including tenure relinquishment and future land use/holder options.

Module 4

Operations interface with ESG principles, standards, assurance, certification and reporting

  1. Discuss the SDGs and how resource sector companies can best contribute to host-nation SDG objectives through ESG performance at operating assets.
  2. Identify global ‘instruments’ that are relevant to the resource sector, which ones are more important and what they aim to do.
  3. Discuss how ESG ‘modifying factors’ can affect resource valuation.
  4. Explain the importance of ESG assurance and its critical elements in verifying ESG performance and risk management.
  5. Discuss why operating assets need to contribute ESG performance related data and metrics to Sustainability/ Integrated Reports.


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Free resource

ESG dimensions and the Source, Pathway, Receptor model

A list of ESG-related matters that you may need to consider at your operation or project, plus a free model for effective operational management of ESG matters. This free professional development resource is based on material from AusIMM's Online Courses. Complete the form below to access the free guide.

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