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CoalLog - The Australian Coal Logging Standard v3.1

The CoalLog standard includes data entry sheets and standard dictionaries of code lookup tables for coal borehole header, drilling, lithology, water flow, geotechnical and quality data, a format for the transferal of this data, a borehole logging training manual and standard plotting patterns and colours for all its defined lithotypes and lithology qualifiers.

Before CoalLog, there were approximately 30 different data formats and over 100 different dictionaries being used for the capture of geological and geotechnical data from boreholes throughout the Australian coal industry. Additionally, each of the major Australian geological software companies used different conventions for the transferal of this data. These different formats, dictionaries and transferal conventions have led to major inefficiencies in the collection, transfer and analysis of coal borehole data. CoalLog has overcome many of these inefficiencies. The Geological Surveys of both New South Wales and Queensland have adopted it and will be requiring any coal exploration data provided as CoalLog data transfer files.

CoalLog has been developed with financial assistance from the Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) by a number of committees with representatives from most major mining, consulting and software companies in the Australian coal industry. It was first released in February 2012 and the current version (v3.1) was released in September 2021.

Further improvements and development of the Standard is planned and feedback is welcome by sending an email to It is anticipated that there will be an update of CoalLog every year or two. To be added to the list of users notified of new releases, please send an email request to

File Description  
clCertify 1.036_Install.EXE A free app for checking that CoalLog Data Transfer files comply with the CoalLog v3.1 standard. It also converts files that comply to earlier CoalLog versions to v3.1. Download
CoalLog v3.1 Manual.PDF Full colour copy of the complete CoalLog v3.1 Manual. Download
CoalLog v2.0 Training Manual.PDF A comprehensive manual for reference and training of borehole logging geologists in all procedures for recording the geology and geotechnical aspects of coal boreholes. Download
CoalLog Modifications v1.1 to v3.1.PDF A list of the v1.1 to v3.1 modifications to the original CoalLog v1.0 Download
CoalLog v3.1 Logging Sheets.ZIP Includes: Logging Sheet Specifications to assist database manager to set up the appropriate database tables, full Logging Sheets for tailoring and Recommended Logging Sheets to be used without any tailoring. Download
CoalLog v3.1 Dictionaries.ZIP Includes: List of all Dictionary Categories, Standard and Reference Dictionaries in .PDF format for immediate use, in .DOCX format for tailoring, in .XLSX format for setting up and checking the standard and .CSV format for import into software. Download
CoalLog v3.0 Lithology Patterns Software Development Tools.ZIP All Patterns in the following formats: BMP, DXF and SVG.  Download
CoalLog v3.1 Data Transfer Format Test Data.ZIP Test data for each CoalLog data type in CoalLog transfer format. Download
CoalLog v2.1 Drilling Sheets Database Example.ZIP Example of how to fill out the Drilling Sheet. Download

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