Have your say: WA Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety Program (MARS)
The Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety (MARS) Program is a West Australian government initiative that aims to improve the mental health, safety and wellbeing of workers and others in the mining industry. AusIMM is partnering with the MARS Program and West Australian government in the development and delivery of this important initiative.
The Centre for Transformative Work Design in Curtin University has been engaged by the MARS Program to conduct an independent research project, the Landmark Study.
As part of the Landmark Study, the research team is seeking to understand the experiences and perceptions of workers in the WA mining industry. As an AusIMM member, your views and experiences are important and valuable; your feedback will help the research team to make evidence-based recommendations to the State Government to help create and sustain positive work in this critical industry.
The survey will take no longer than 30 minutes of your time. Please click here to access the survey.
The survey will be open until 16 June.
All individual responses and results from this survey will be de-identified, meaning that no individual, company or organisation can be identified in any of the results. Only aggregated, summary results will ever be reported. No one outside of the research team will have access to your individual response.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Lead Researcher, Dr Cheryl Yam, at cheryl.yam@curtin.edu.au, or MARSLandmarkStudy@curtin.edu.au.
Thank you in advance for participating in the survey and providing information that will help shape recommendations for positive change in the WA mining industry.