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Announcing improvements to AusIMM's PD Logbook

· 400 words, 5 min read

This article was updated in July 2024. Please see the new updates (1, 2 and 3) below. 

The Chartered Professional Program Committee (CPPC) are pleased to announce that some improvements have been made to the online PD Logbook.

These improvements will provide clarity with the CP Regulations and assist all users of the logbook, particularly those who are applying to become a CP and those being audited.

What has changed?

Updates added in July 2024.

1. There is a new drop-down field on your logbook, titled ‘type’, allowing you to choose PD type from a selection of technical, non-technical, ethics and risk management. 

This field and associated hours breakdown has been introduced to allow CPs to manage their type of PD. CPs in a technical discipline (not Management) must undertake a minimum of 75 hours of discipline-specific technical PD whilst RPEQs must undertake 112.5 hours of discipline-specific technical PD over three years.

This field is mandatory moving forward and must be populated in order to correctly fill in your new PD entry or any updates to PD entries. Please select the most appropriate field, noting that ethics and risk management entries are only required for RPEQ and RPEV applications.

Any PD entries previously categorised as ethics or risk management are now in the ‘other’ category. CPs are encouraged to update their past PD entries so they can benefit from this functionality immediately. To confirm all relevant PD entries have been updated, the totals of technical/non-technical/ethics/risk management should add up to the 36-month total.

2. Entries that bridge calendar years 

If you enter a PD record bridging a calendar year you will now see the following message appear on your logbook ‘Please note that your PD record bridges a calendar year, and all hours will only be captured in the later year. If you require PD hours in both years please split the PD record accordingly.’

3. Downloading your logbook

The logbook is now possible to be downloaded into excel format, should you wish to retain a copy for your records. Please note however, that it is not necessary to provide a copy of your logbook with a CP application or PD review, as we provide online access for our assessors. 

Updates from April 2024

4. There are now three calendar views which can be toggled

‘Current’ shows PD totals for the current and previous two calendar years. This allows CPs to manage their PD in the current audit period.

‘Audit’ shows PD totals for the previous three calendar years. This allows CPs to manage their PD in the previous audit period.

‘Rolling’ is a specific view for those applying to be a CP. It shows the previous 3 years of PD back from the current date. This is the PD period which will be reviewed when the applicant submits their application.

5. Clearly identifying capped hours

A number of PD categories have capped hours and when the capped number is exceeded, a red box will now appear around that category in the logbook. It is no problem to exceed the number of hours in a category; however, the member needs to be aware that the exceeded hours will not be included in the total required for CP.

6. Improved clarity with new activity descriptions

Activity description now includes the details of each category from the Regulations, which saves members having to revert to the Regulations when filling this section in.

Another update: sort function

One other small change included is that the logbook sort function now shows ‘Most recently completed’ to highlight that PD is only counted on the date it is completed. 

For any questions with these logbook changes, please direct them to

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