JORC Competence Baseline Study
A baseline study has been initiated to recommend standards and mechanisms for assessing competence for resources industry professionals acting as Competent Persons in compliance with the JORC Code.
A short survey has been developed to gather information to be used in the baseline study of competence issues, being prepared as part of the current review of the JORC Code. The survey asks a series of questions addressing key issues of interest to both Competent Persons and other stakeholders.
The survey represents an opportunity for both Competent Persons and users of public information prepared and presented in compliance with the JORC Code to provide their thoughts on the issue.
Answers to the survey questions will supplement information gathered by the stakeholder survey conducted during the initial stages of the JORC Code review last year (2021). The survey is intended to supplement this information and provide additional stakeholder input. The survey is designed to take as little as 2-3 minutes to complete.
You do not need to have contributed to the JORC stakeholder engagement survey conducted last year to contribute. The survey does not collect any personally identifiable information.
The survey may be completed by following this link. The survey is only open for contributions until 14 February due to the tight timeframe specified for the baseline study so please complete the survey today.
Additional thoughts and comments on competence issues not covered by the study are welcome by email, which should be submitted also by 14th February please.