Queensland to implement travel pass system
The Queensland Government has announced a new border pass system for all travellers entering the State, regardless of whether they have been to a COVID-19 hotspot.
With the recent increase in COVID-19 cases around Australia, from 1am AEST this Saturday 19 June, Queensland will be implementing a ‘Traffic Light’ travel pass system. If you’re travelling to Queensland to attend AusIMM's Mill Operators Conference or Mine Waste and Tailings Conference from another state, you will need to complete a travel declaration before entering. It’s a simple online form, with the pass issued via email shortly after. For more information, click here.
What you need to do
Complete the online form by clicking here.
When you need to do it
Before entering Queensland, up to 3 days prior to arrival.
If you’re coming from a COVID-19 hotspot
Delegates from a declared COVID-19 hotspot cannot travel to QLD without an exemption, but you can still attend the Mill Operators Conference and Mine Waste and Tailings Conference virtually with the online-only registration.
If you have any questions about the online-only registration, please contact AusIMM via email, conference@ausimm.com.