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Watch the Perth Branch March 2020 Tech Talk

Perth Branch
ยท 20 minute video

Turning a Nickel Exploration Play Into a VMS Opportunity


Meeting information:

The meeting was held on Monday 9 March 2020 from 5.30pm – 7.00pm at the Celtic Club, Ord Street, West Perth

Presentation information:

Is There Buried Treasure in Your Data?
Many companies have exploration databases with a lot of multi-element, logging and other data that is under-utilised. A review and analysis of data already acquired, before spending significant amounts on additional drilling has the potential to refine targeting and planning of exploration. This talk presents the potential in a database, outlining the identification of VMS signatures on the East Laverton project for St George Mining and defining the litho-structural interpretations and highlighting the element anomalisms discovered during the project.

Speaker information:

Barbara Duggan, CSA Global Senior Consultant – Geology and Geochemistry
Barbara is a geologist with more than 15 years’ experience in mineral exploration from project generation to advanced project stage, encompassing targeting studies, project management and evaluation. She has extensive experience in Canada and Australia with a focus on nickel sulphide and magmatic hydrothermal mineral systems including gold, volcanogenic massive sulphide and IOCG’s. Barbara specialises in integrated mineral systems targeting at a district to deposit scale primarily using lithogeochemistry, alteration mapping and hyperspectral analysis in conjunction with structural data.

Barbara is also a fearsome ice hockey player!

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