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Consultants Society newsletter – March 2021

John Dunlop FAusIMM(CP)
· 500 words, 2 min read

Greetings, AusIMM members! This year your Consultants Society (ConSoc) committee will be active, with a view to engaging with you more and hoping to improve your ConSoc value proposition.

How do we hope to achieve this?  In a general sense we see this as follows:

  • Strategy: to be a mouthpiece for minerals consultants and facilitate and add value to their professional activities 
  • Business plan: various tasks including enhancing our section within the new AusIMM website; running Consultant’s Handbook webinars; improving the Consultant’s Register (see below); improving the newsletter; liaising with other societies; continuing our involvement in the Environmental and Social Governance working group and working on improved guidelines for feasibility studies 
  • Implementation: each committee member has assumed a role directly linked to these activities, plus we will have an eye on emerging issues, such as how we can contribute to the Trusted Voice initiative.

Activating your AusIMM website account and being added to the Member and Consultants Directories

We encourage all ConSoc members to activate their AusIMM website account and opt in to AusIMM’s Member Directory, and to also explore the new AusIMM website. More information on activating your website account, and opting in to the member directory, can be found here.

Also, a reminder for eligible AusIMM Chartered Professional members to be listed in the Consultants Directory. Briefly, the steps for eligible members are as follows:

  1. Activate website account (see details above)
  2. Go to your Dashboard > My Details > Member Profile
  3. Check ‘Include me in the Consultants Directory’.

You can also include additional information to your member profile as follows:

  1. Go to your Dashboard > My Details > Member Profile
  2. Check ‘Include additional information on my member profile’
  3. Add information to the desired fields (LinkedIn, Twitter, professional bio and company overview fields are available).

Other updates

Financially, the Consultants Society is in a sound position. We have royalties coming in from our published Handbook, and sales in 2021 may well be assisted by our associated webinars. So we are positioned well to take on our next major project, which looks like being related to improving feasibility study guidelines.

We also have representation on the AusIMM’s Policy & Advocacy committee, so have the chance to influence broader policy matters within AusIMM.

Engineering registration is a currently expanding issue, depending on where you operate. We will keep you updated as this state-by-state requirement unfolds.

Also, a note of thanks to all personnel who provided input into the preparation of the recent JORC Code update.

We welcome your contributions and any comments you’d like to offer. Contact us via the form here:

Upcoming events

Consulting Practice webinars

Webinar 4 of the Consulting Practice webinar series is being planned at the moment, so watch out for the event details to be advertised. These webinars form part of a series of six webinars across the topics covered in the Minerals Consultants Handbook (MCH).

Short course on VALMIN Code Reporting

Find out more and register here:

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