Geoscience for Consultants
The AusIMM Consultants Society has around 950 members (as at beginning 2024). The website has a list of about 260 members on their Consultants Directory, that includes at least 100 who have an affiliation to the geosciences.
The AusIMM 2023 Congress output includes the emphases of collaboration between COI’s, and this is reinforced within the Consultants key initiative to grow interdisciplinary awareness and engagement between Societies. Therein some AusIMM Geoscience Society members that may also wish to follow the Consultants Society, and the consultants are welcome to also follow the Geoscience Society.
The purpose of the Consultants Society is for its members to receive recognition as experts in their chosen fields and advance their skills to the highest level [ToR 2022]. Any financial member of the AusIMM can belong to the broader Consultants society group, by nominating for the Society membership on their online profile page. The Societies strategic goals are to showcase leadership, shape careers and advance standards.
The career path for many geoscientists typically starts with regular employment for a service exploration or mining company. Typically career path options can be to stick with the one company to learn and grow within a company. Alternatively, the career path can be to switch companies, with the likely associated option to work and learn different geoscience fields, and different management styles. Once a certain level of expertise has been attained, then there is the option to work with a consulting company, with the attraction being exposed to a greater geoscience diversity and sophistication. Upon even more experience, (including business management) then there may be the option to stand alone as a consultant, or develop your own consulting group. Therein geoscientists may get a window into consulting, through joining the Consultants Society.