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GEOFEST 2024 Sydney Recap

· 255 words, 2 min read

The 5th Geotourism Festival and International Conference 2024 was initiated by the Indonesian Geoparks Network (IGN). The Sydney half of this two nations event was held at the university of Sydney, with a one-day workshop / conference plus day tours that attracted a large delegation from Indonesia. The focus of the workshop event was on building a strategy framework for geotourism development in destinations where the volcano was reviewed as a key attraction, and managing volcano geotourism destinations to sustain local communities.

It was noted that many parts of regional and remote Australia are looking for opportunities to rejuvenate their local economy. Volcanic landscapes, which exist from north Queensland to Tasmania and west to Mount Gambier in South Australia, offer sustainable geotourism potential.

A broader article has been submitted for publication in the Bulletin. The presentations below have been approved to be published;

GEOFEST 2024 Sydney Workshop, 18-20 July 2024

The AGC’s National Geotourism Strategy: A Key Initiative to Grow the Opportunities for Geoscience in Australia, DR Jon Hronsky OAM

Harnessing digital technology for volcanic geotourism and opportunities for Geoscientists, Mark Williams

Identified Roles of Geoscientists in Geotourism and Geopark Development in Indonesia, Professor Mega Fatima Rosana

Indonesian Geopark Development: Managing Volcano Geoparks to Support Geotourism & Sustaining Local Communities, Farid Zaini

Wildlife Tourism in Australia and Indonesia and its relationship to Geotourism, Dr Ronda Green

Primate Diversity and Current Tourism Development in Indonesia, Professor Jatna Supriatna

Australasian Exchanges and Extinctions: why is Australia, New Guinea and Wallacea so alike and yet so different, Professor Julien Louys

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