The presentation is now available from the September Technical Talk presented by RPM Global to the Southern Queensland Branch on a range of both crucial and contentious aspects related to a few, but not all Battery Minerals.
The presentation is now available from the September Technical Talk presented by RPM Global to the Southern Queensland Branch on a range of both crucial and contentious aspects related to a few, but not all Battery Minerals.
The topics discussed include:
Graphite – Not all flakes are equal.
Lithium – To brine or not to brine?
Cobalt – If it’s not from the DRC, what are our options?
RPM Global share insights from around the world along with issues which have potential to impact the short term ramp up of batteries, principally in Electric Vehicles.
However, the principal focus in the discussion is geology and metallurgy. For RGM, geology is about really understanding what you have.
Metallurgy centers on understanding the challenges around extracting the minerals in a form suitable to maximise value and meet market requirements.