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Presentations from the ConSoc Forum 2024

· 600 words, 2 min read

Over the course of this year we plan to share the presentations from the successful 2024 ConSoc Forum for the benefit of our membership.

A great way to start the year, we lead off our series from the ConSoc Forum 2024 with Karl Van Olden’s presentation on Personal Brand and Business Development in a Consulting Role.

Karl takes us through:

  1. What is a Personal Brand?​
  2. Why does a Personal Brand matter?​
  3. How do you develop a Positive Personal Brand?​
  4. Translating a positive Personal Brand into successful business opportunities

We hope that you find something in this presentation to take away, whether you are just starting out, or an experienced consultant in the industry. Personally, the reminder on authenticity resonates with me as we start 2025.

We are also pleased to share with ConSoc members another presentation on Identifying and Exploiting Gaps in the Mining and Metals Industry for Commercial Growth, presented by Phoebe Whattoff. This presentation talks about the gaps in measuring and addressing environmental impacts effectively within the industry.

It focuses on the following areas:

  1. Identifying the Gaps: Examining the growth in metals demand, price trends, and the shift towards sustainability.
  2. Exploiting the Gaps: Addressing market gaps during this period, including the novelty of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) within the mining sector, the shortage of LCA expertise specific to mining processes, and the increasing need for differentiation in energy transition projects.
  3. The Business Model Today: Discussing the commitment to sustainability, key drivers, and focal points in the current business landscape.
  4. A Case Study: Presenting a real-world example that illustrates the practical application of these concepts. 

Watch now using the links above. 

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