TESEP Update
The Teacher Earth Science Education Program (TESEP) providing professional development (PD) on earth science topics to Australian teachers.
The Teacher Earth Science Education Program (TESEP) provides professional development (PD) on earth science topics to Australian teachers. TESEP was founded in 2007 by geoscience professionals and educators to address the concern that Australian teachers were losing access to quality geoscience PD resources. Jill Stevens (Chairperson) and Greg McNamara (Executive Officer) have been integral in establishing TESEP and maintaining the delivery of PD content.
TESEP relies upon the support of partners to provide the required funding to develop and sustain PD workshops. However, recent reduction in partner support has applied pressure to the TESEP effort. A full list of programs, resources and partners is available on the TESEP website.
TESEP has an impressive track record having developed ten PD workshops covering a diverse range of earth science topics including the rock cycle, ore bodies and crustal geology, climate change, the hydrocarbon story, ground water, geothermal energy, plate tectonics and 3D geological visualization.
During 2018, TESEP developed rock kits for use in schools that support the earth science curriculum. Each kit is carefully boxed and contains ten sedimentary, 9 metamorphic and 10 igneous palm-sized rock samples. Quality control of selected rock samples has been undertaken to ensure rocks are comparable between sets. Each sample is accurately labelled with accompanying background information and regional significance. Extension materials include a virtual 3D online version and virtual thin sections of the rock samples. TESEP also provide supporting PD on how to use the rock kits.
TESEP markets the rock kits through Haynes Educational. 146 rock kits and 76 plate tectonics posters have been sold over the first eight month of sales. Excess funds from the sale of rock kits is re-invested into TESEP.
Jared Broome
Chair, AusIMM Geoscience Society Committee