The Statement, the first published by a professional association in the resources sector, leads the way for our 13,000 global members by providing clear expectations of behaviour when working with communities and societies in the course of their professional duties.
Importantly, the Statement references the AusIMM’s Social Responsibility Framework, including a pathway for professionals working in Social Performance roles to become accredited through our Chartered Professional (CP) program. AusIMM accreditation in this new discipline is another global first for the mining sector.
With social performance by mining companies and professionals under closer scrutiny than ever before, AusIMM President Janine Herzig FAusIMM(CP) said that the Social Responsibility Framework builds on AusIMM’s 127-year legacy of integrity and provides assurance that AusIMM members are working to the highest standards.
‘Upholding performance standards is fundamental to AusIMM’s role and purpose. Our communities trust us to work with their wellbeing at front of mind, and our social responsibility statement guarantees that AusIMM members understand how the work they undertake can impact the social and biophysical environments they work in,’ Ms Herzig said.
‘Our leading Chartered Professional accreditation pathway for environmental and Social Performance professionals also provides opportunities for people working in areas such as environmental monitoring, mine closure, land rehabilitation and more. Our Chartered Professionals are highly regarded in the sector for their expertise and commitment to high standards of conduct.’
AusIMM’s Social Responsibility Framework has been developed by experienced professionals. The Chair of AusIMM’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee Bruce Harvey, a 40-year veteran in applied social science, community agreements and mineral exploration, outlined the importance of the Framework.
‘There is currently no recognition of Social Performance practitioners globally, which is why establishing a Social Performance Chartered Professional discipline is so important for AusIMM members. The expressions of interest received to date have been overwhelmingly supportive,’ Mr Harvey said.
The framework links the AusIMM’s Royal Charter and Code of Ethics to well established global sustainability principles, standards and guidance. Greater detail is provided in this AusIMM Bulletin article, available as a permanent reference resource for all AusIMM members.
Qualification and Area of Practice (AoP) criteria for Social Performance have been developed (see the Competency Statements template here) to support the CP program and begin the process of accreditation for Social Performance professionals. Along with AusIMM’s existing Environmental AoP criteria, the Social Performance AoPs describe for all AusIMM members elements of good ESG practice in the minerals sector. Applications for the new discipline will open at the end of August.
Additional information on AusIMM’s Chartered Professional program can be found on the AusIMM website.