Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
A Methodology for Rock Mass Characterisation to Control Blast-induced Vibrations
The uncertainty of geomaterials properties is commonly encountered in resource engineering applications, especially in mining engineering where the rock mass texture, joints, fractures and damage zones can impose the mining method and operation cycles. In the present research work, we focus on the elastic properties of rock masses. We use stochastic numerical simulation of fractured rock masses to estimate their Young moduli. The procedure starts with field mapping campaigns which are conducted to evaluate the locations, dip angles, strike and trace lengths of pre-existing fractures. We develop statistical law parameters of the natural fracture network to represent the weakness patterns. In addition, we use HLA-Dissim, a recently developed and validated Matlab program, to simulate the propagation of monochromatic longitudinal waves and derive the equivalent elastic modulus of fractured rock masses. Such procedure applies within a simulation domain, which is greater than an Elementary Representative Volume.At a second stage, we conduct finite element simulations to validate the previous approach. The matrix and the actual fractures zones are reproduced in the model to mimic the natural set-up. The block is excited on particular positions and its response is evaluated on predefined spots. Real field rock fracture mapping data and monitored single-hole blast induced vibrations are used to validate the theoretical and numerical approaches discussed herein. Comparison between the simulated and measured vibration records shows a great agreement which confirms that the proposed methodology has a full potential to predict and optimise multihole/multidelay blast-induced vibrations.CITATION:Hamdi, E and Karrech, A, 2015. A methodology for rock mass characterisation to control blast-induced vibrations, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp 89-96 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
E Hamdi, A Karrech
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- Published: 2015
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- Unique ID: P201507009