Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
Comparison of the Generation of Shear Wave with Different Simulation Approaches
The safety and stability of construction structures are often affected by blast-induced waves. Investigating the generation mechanism of shear wave (S-wave) during blasting is important, because it has a strong effect in blasting damage. In this paper the generation mechanism and verification of S-wave was studied analytically and numerically. Under the finite velocity of detonation (VOD) of cylindrical charge or the compression wave (P-wave) communicating with the interface of different media during the propagation, the generation mechanism of S-wave was analysed. Propagation of blasting wave in cylindrical charge was simulated with the elastic model, and the generation of S-wave induced by finite VOD was proved. To compare with different numerical methods in simulating the generation of S-wave, the blasting process of instantaneous detonation was simulated by using the elastic model, elastic-plastic model and smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element method (SPH-FEM) coupled model. Results demonstrate that the S-wave could not be found in middle section of the charge if the elastic model is employed. But when using elastic-plastic model and SPH-FEM coupled model, the generation of S-wave could be verified. Under the SPH-FEM condition, the amplitude of S-wave is larger and the arrival time difference between P-wave and S-wave is closer to theoretical results.CITATION:Gao, Q D, Lu, W B, Hu, Y G, Chen, M and Yan, P, 2015. Comparison of the generation of shear wave with different simulation approaches, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp 79-88 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
Q D Gao, W B Lu, Y G Hu, M Chen, P Yan
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- Published: 2015
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