Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
Conference Proceedings
11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
On the Influence of Fundamental Detonics on Blasting Practice
With blasting, all far-field phenomena including, but not limited to, stress wave propagation, fracture, vibration and muck pile formation are intrinsically and irrevocably dependent upon near-field phenomena or mechanisms that we describe using physics-based mathematics typically transcribed into computer codes. The energetics involved in such near- to far-field transitions are not fundamentally relevant as they are simply progenitors of these processes.The notion of explosive energy as a descriptor for explosive or blasting performance is a case in point. These energies, which are generally used in blasting tables, are almost exclusively based on ideal detonation theory alone and do not include the influence of the rock, charge diameter, blasthole length and the late-time dynamic expansion that can be predicted using codes based on non-ideal detonation theory.With decoupled charges in presplits for example, the pressure drop between the charge and the blasthole wall can be simply described to first order using the energy relationship associated with adiabatic expansion. However, a more realistic mechanistic solution involves interacting fluids and turbulence leading to dynamic processes such as the channel effect.CITATION:Minchinton, A, 2015. On the influence of fundamental detonics on blasting practice, in Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp 41-54 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
A Minchinton
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- Published: 2015
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