Conference Proceedings
12th International Conference of Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts MOLTEN 2024 Proceedings
Conference Proceedings
12th International Conference of Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts MOLTEN 2024 Proceedings
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MOLTEN 2024 brought together over 350 delegates, including leading researchers, metallurgists and engineers from around the world, to exchange information and discuss the latest ideas, developments, and concepts in the field. For those involved in developing and optimising high-temperature processing systems, this conference, held once every 4 years, is our version of the Olympics!
Held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 17-19 June 2024, we were thrilled that MOLTEN 2024 featured over 140 oral presentations, 37 poster presentations, exhibitions, and numerous networking events. The two workshops and one tour provided additional valuable hands-on experiences and deeper insights into our field.
Held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 17-19 June 2024, we were thrilled that MOLTEN 2024 featured over 140 oral presentations, 37 poster presentations, exhibitions, and numerous networking events. The two workshops and one tour provided additional valuable hands-on experiences and deeper insights into our field.
A Abadias Llamas, H Abdeyazdan, M Akhtar, A Akouch, M N Al-Harbi, G R F Alvear Flores, R A Anand, A Andersson, A Ang, H Aoki, A S Arkhipin, R Atmuri, D Attah-Kyei, K Avarmaa, K Aya, M Baben, C Bai, J Bang, M Barati, N Barrett, S Basu, F Beckstein, I Bellemans, C Bessada, M Bhaskara Venkata Rao, W Bielefeldt, S Biswal, J Biswas, K Biswas, J Björkvall, P-J Boeykens, N Borowski, C R Borra, L Brander, G Brooks, A Burrows, Ö K Büyükuslu, D Cai, V Canaguier, A Canizarès, G Cao, W Cao, W-Y Cha, S Chatterjee, C Chen, J Chen, P Chevreux, S J Chew, S B Chinosengwa, M Chintinne, E K Chiwandika, J W Cho, Y-M Cho, W O Choe, B Choi, R Chowdhury, R Chu, Y Chung, E Copland, J Coveney, S Creedy, Y Cui, S Dandi, T De Staercke, R Degel, T Deng, X Deng, J Diao, F Diaz, J W Dong, X F Dong, M Duchateau, A R Duffy, I M Dymov, B Eisenbart, A Emami, F Engström, C-H Eom, G Evans, T Fabritius, D Fadhlurrahman, D Fellicia, R Ferreira, R Forzatti, B Friedrich, H Fukaya, J Gamutan, P Gandhre, P Gardin, R E Gerald II, S Gezgin, X C Goso, Y Goto, S L A Gowravaram, D Graf, D Grimsey, J Grogan, N Gruber, H Z Gu, W F Gu, H P Gui, F Gyakwaa, G Hackl, T Haimi, J Hamuyuni, D Hariswijaya, M Hasegawa, M Hayashi, P Hayes, E Hecker, J H Heo, T Hidayat, R Higashi, B Hogg, T Honeyands, P Hou, G Hovestadt, T Htet, M Hu, X Hu, A Huang, J Huang, J Huss, M Huttula, S H Hyun, R Inoue, J Isaksson, M Ishfaq, A Ishmurzin, T Iwama, Y Iwami, M Jain, E Jak, K Jakovljevic, S Jayakumari, A Jayasekara, Y D Jeon, Z Jiang, G Jianjun, J Jiao, A Jokilaakso, Y J Jun, D Y Jung, I H Jung, S Jung, N Kado, A Kamaraj, T Kan, A Kandalam, S C Kang, Y Kang, M K Kar, E Karimi-Sibaki, S Karosiya, S Kawanishi, S Khadhraoui, A Kharicha, G Khartcyzov, E Kim, H Kim, J K Kim, K S Kim, M Kim, R R Kim, S J Kim, S W Kim, W-Y Kim, G King, C Kirmse, E Klaffenbach, A Klemettinen, L Klemettinen, N Kojola, T Kon, A Kondratiev, L V Krupnov, D Kumar, N Kumar, P Kumar, R Kumar, S Kumar, B Laidens, D Latacz, H Lee, J Lee, M J Lee, S Lee, A Lennartsson, B Li, S Li, X Li, Y M Li, Z Li, W Liang, A Lichtinger, D Lindberg, M Lindgren, X Ling, L Lisova, Y Liu, R J Longbottom, L Lu, A Ludwig, Z Lv, X Ma, S Mahboob Basha, P V Malakhov, W Malan, S Maritsa, J Martinsson, D Maruoka, M J Masamvu, A Maslov, S M Masuka, L Medovar, O J Mendoza, S K Michelic, P M Midhun, T Miki, Y Mita, S Mitra, M Mohanasundaram, A E Moiseev, B J Monaghan, V Montenegro, E Moosavi-Khoonsari, K Morita, W Mu, L Muhmood, R Z Mukhlis, A Müller, M Müller, T Murakami, M K Nahian, K Nakashima, A Nakayama, S Natsui, E Nekhoroshev, J Nell, H W Ni, S Nicol, A Nigam, S Nikolic, H Nogami, H O’Brien, D O’Dea, R J O’Malley, K Ohno, O Ostrovski, F Pahlevani, R A Pakhomov, P Palai, S Palanisamy, S K Panda, M M Pande, G H Park, H S Park, J Park, K S Park, S J Park, Y-J Park, J Partinen, E Pastor-Vallés, J Petersen, S Petersen, H T B M Petrus, J B Pettersen, J Pihlasalo, D Pinson, P C Pistorius, W Polkowski, M I Pownceby, A D Pradana, D R Pradana, R Prasad, N Preisser, A Putera, Y H Putra, J Qi, H Qin, S Qin, M Ranjan, D Rapp, R G Reddy, M M Ren, M Reuter, M A Rhamdhani, A Rich, V Rimal, E Ringdalen, C M G Rodrigues, Å Roos, J Safarian, V Sahajwalla, P P Sahoo, K Saito, N Saito, C Samuelsson, T Sander, R Sarkar, N Sarmadi, G Sartor, Y Sasaki, B Satritama, L Scheunis, M Schickbichler, A Schmidt, D Scimone, D Sergeev, S Serp, D Sert, D Seveno, A Sharma, M G Shaw, C Shen, M Shevchenko, H Shibata, S-C Shim, H Shin, D Shishin, V Shrotri, Q Shu, A K Shukla, D Simbi, N Simkhada, S Sineva, H Singh, S P Singh, J D Smith, I Sohn, M Sommerfeld, B Song, J Song, S Soumya Varanasi, D Souza, E Soylu, A Specht, K Sripushpa, R Starykh, D Stepanenko, G Stovpchenko, P Su, Y Su, I-K Suh, S Sukenaga, M J Sukhomlinov, T Sumita, M J Sun, L Sundqvist Ökvist, M Susa, M Suzuki, A Takahashi, J Takahashi, F Tang, K Tang, X Tang, Y Tang, M Tangstad, P Taskinen, H Tekle, F Tesfaye, H Tian, J L Tian, P Tikare, M Tiljander, D Togobitskaya, L Tomas da Rocha, G Tranell, Y Uchisawa, S Udayakumar, S Ueda, A Vallejo-Olivares, K Vallo, A Van den Bulck, S van der Sluijs, M van Ende, T Van Rompaey, K Verbeken, O Vergote, A Vickerfält, N N Viswanathan, N Voller, M Wallin, S Wan, C Wang, D Wang, G H Wang, J Wang, Q Wang, S Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, T Watanabe, B A Webler, J Wen, M White, M A Williams, P Wilson, E Wingate, S Winkler, J Wood, M Wu, C Xuan, A Yahya, S Yamada, B Yan, Z Yan, M Yang, X Yang, C M Yoon, J You, H F Yu, W Yu, H Yuan, S Yue, T Yusuf, B Zhang, C Zhang, F Zhang, H Zhang, J Zhang, Q Zhang, S Zhang, T Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Zhang, J Zhao, Z Zhao, J Zheng, G M Zhomin, M Zhu, Q Zhuo, J H Zietsman, H Zong, C Zschiesche, Z Zulhan, P Zulli, S Zummar
12th International Conference of Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts MOLTEN 2024 Proceedings PDFPDFSale Price $92.40Normal price $154.00
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- Published: 2024
- PDF Size: 237.528 Mb.
- Unique ID: P-03439-G0G7S4
- ISBN no: 978-1-922395-28-3