Conference Proceedings
12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014
Conference Proceedings
12th Mill Operators' Conference 2014
Advances in the Simulation of Flexible Circuits
In an environment of decreasing ore grade, increasing costs and uncertainty with respect to commodity prices, the industry could benefit from evaluating alternative technologies and innovative circuit configurations. The flexible circuit approach suggests that the design of grinding circuits can be adapted to changes in feed properties and economic conditions. Advances in modelling and simulation are enabling metallurgists to predict the performance of more complex circuit configurations with increased confidence. Ore variability information and processing costs may be used as modelling inputs to determine the optimum processing conditions at a given time. A case study has been completed demonstrating the value of combining a flexible circuit with a model-based optimisation of the process. Ore properties and equipment performance data obtained in operating plants have been used to model and simulate flexible circuit configurations.This paper explores strategies to introduce flexibility to existing circuit configurations when processing ores with high variability. Multicomponent models incorporated in the model developers' kit (MDK) allow the simulation of more complex and flexible circuits. This capability enables demonstration of the potential to enhance metal production through adapting processing routes according to the ore type being processed. The simulation of different flow sheet configurations allowed the definition of the best option for maintaining the metal production when treating lower grade ores, highlighting the advantages of flexible circuit configurations compared with a one-process-fits-all approach.CITATION:Foggiatto, B, Hilden, M M and Powell, M S, 2014. Advances in the simulation of flexible circuits, in Proceedings 12th AusIMM Mill Operators' Conference 2014 , pp 391-398 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
B Foggiatto, M M Hilden, M S Powell
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- Published: 2014
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