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Conference Proceedings

14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference

Conference Proceedings

14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference

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Considerations and Challenges in the Design and Construction of Tunnels for Remote Hydropower Projects

Tunnelling for hydro-electric power projects can be a very challenging component of the overall development. In contrast to urban transportation tunnelling where the logistics for access and supply of power, water and other essentials are readily available, hydropower projects are usually in very remote locations and all necessary plant, equipment, spares and materials need to be brought in and the site must function as a self sufficient unit.For a large scheme the river diversion tunnel(s) are usually on the initial phase critical path in order to meet the non-negotiable deadline of river diversion before the onset of the wet season. A newly formed tunnelling crew, once mobilised to the site for the project, will face the first major learning curve of the project's systems and logistics during this critical tunnelling activity.Power tunnels convey the water to the turbines in the powerhouse and are usually on the critical path for the main works, especially if the scheme comprises a powerhouse located within an underground cavern. A modern cavern arrangement requires a complex warren of various openings: access adits, ventilation/cable tunnels, shafts, surge tunnels, etc.Hydropower tunnel construction tends to be dominated by tunnel boring machine (TBMs) or drill-and-blast excavation techniques and each has its challenges in very remote locations. TBMs still have long lead times as for any type of project, but additionally require a thorough roads and bridges infrastructure assessment of the country from the port of entry to the site to ensure a problem-free delivery. In some cases the project also requires the establishment of a complete precast concrete segment production facility and the space for creation of laydown areas; there is no just-in-time' delivery mechanism applicable to typical remote hydropower sites.This paper highlights the technical and risk management considerations in the planning, design and construction of tunnels for hydropower projects. It contrasts the typical factors that govern the design of urban transportation tunnels with those for remote hydropower tunnels. The perspectives of stakeholders are provided including those of international lenders. With examples from large and small scale projects across the globe it provides an insight to all parties and in particular, those tunnellers that are working in the hydropower field for the first time.
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.667 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201102018

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