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Conference Proceedings

14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference

Conference Proceedings

14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference

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Western Ring Route - Waterview Connection Driven Tunnel: Assessment of Groundwater Effects

The Waterview Connection will complete a strategic Auckland motorway route linking the south, west and north. The project will comprise 2.5 km of undrained' driven tunnels and 900 m of drained cut-and-cover tunnel and portals.The project is aligned beneath a stream valley of Oakley Creek incised through alluvium and in places overlain by landfill, between Mt Albert volcano and a ridge formed in alternating sandstones and siltstones. The hydrogeology of the area is complex with perched aquifers in compressible soils, cascading water levels in fractured rock aquifers, and discontinuous higher permeability units resulting in artesian water levels and groundwater springs.Numerical groundwater modelling was undertaken to assess the potential effects of tunnel construction and long-term operation on the groundwater system; the magnitude and extent of changes in groundwater level and the resulting potential for settlement, buoyancy effects, contaminant migration and adverse effects on creek base flow. Modelling also provides inputs to tunnel design such as groundwater seepage volumes and water pressures.The driven tunnel will be undrained' long-term so potential effects on the groundwater system are limited to short-term dewatering during construction. Significant project time and cost savings can be made if the portal areas are permanently drained', but this means potential effects are greatest in the long term condition.This paper summarises the investigations, implications of the complex hydrogeological setting on tunnel design and environmental assessments, and groundwater modelling undertaken during the planning stage of this project. The groundwater modelling has been used to incorporate mitigation options in tunnel design and construction sequencing; a comprehensive monitoring program will be used to trigger appropriate responses should effects differ from those predicted.
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.723 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201102032

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