Conference Proceedings
1979 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Conference Proceedings
1979 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Current Research on Coal Type and Depositional Environments in the Paparoa Goal Measures
The purpose of this paper is to outline current research on the Paparoa and, at the request of conference organisers, to present a general introduction to the geology of the Greymouth Coalfield as background to more specialised papers. Few results of my present work will be given; these can be presented at the next conference. Briefly, the research aims for an understanding of the controls which depositional environment has exerted on coal character, to be reached by a study of coal type and thickness, shape and extent of seams, integrated with a basinal analysis of the coal measures. An accurate description of the coalfield in these terms should facilitate prediction of subsurface trends, with possible application to the planning of drilling programs, and to mine development. Although study of Paparoa coal types is included here as only part of the research, coal type should be recognised as an important concept which has until revently been almost entirely neglected in New Zealand.
J Newman
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- Published: 1979
- PDF Size: 0.623 Mb.
- Unique ID: P197904006