Conference Proceedings
1980 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Conference Proceedings
1980 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Subsidence Associated with Mining at Mt Lyell
Underground production from the low grade copper orebodies at Mount Lyell in recent years has involved surface subsidence of open cut areas. Relevant structural and lithological features of the geological environment are described. The highly mechanised underground mining system involves sublevel caving and sublevel open stoping with associated hanging wall cave. Monitoring of subsidence and caving has been made by regular visual inspection and measurement of crack development, and by surface profile surveys. These simple techniques have proved adequate in assuring management that ground movement is proceeding normally and safely.
P G North, R P Callaghan
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- Published: 1980
- PDF Size: 1.127 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198001016NZ