Conference Proceedings
1980 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Conference Proceedings
1980 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
The Application of Oxygen Isotope Studies to the Occurrence of Gold Mineralisation in Eastern Australia
The use of stable isotopic measurements as a technique for elucidating the origin and history of the water in hydrothermal fluids is relatively new. Recent studies have emphasised the importance of meteoric water in the formation of many hydrothermal ore deposits including many epithermal gold-base metal deposits which occur in faulted volcanic terrane. Other vein-type gold ores are believed to have formed from fluids of magmatic or metamorphic origin and exhibit characteristic d180 values. These values also give information regarding temperatures and the degree of equilibrium. Preliminary oxygen data for some important gold deposits of eastern Australia are evaluated in the context of styles of mineralisation.
S D Golding, A F Wilson
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- Published: 1980
- PDF Size: 0.991 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198001006NZ