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Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

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Characteristics of Low Sulfidation Gold-Copper Systems in the South-West Pacific

Magmatic-related low sulfidation hydrothermal ore systems
at plate margins exhibit distinct spatial and temporal zonations which can be
used to aid mineral exploration and development. Low sulphidation systems at all
crustal levels exhibit the same paragenetic sequence of events: early breccia
formation, followed by quartz - secondary feldspar sericite/illite veining, then
mineralisation, and final argillic overprint. This sequence of events is
interpreted to reflect the initial emplacement of melts at high crustal levels,
and the progressive cooling of that melt and release of magmatic constituents
into a circulating hydrothermal system.

Low sulphidation systems in the south-west
Pacific region exhibit a vertical zonation in deposit types: from porphyry copper-gold
at deep levels, quartz-sulfide-gold at mesothermal to deep epithermal levels,
carbonate-base metal gold at mainly epithermal levels, and epithermal quartz
silver-gold at shallow levels. It is interpreted that the characteristics of
each of these styles of deposits is produced by mixing with circulating waters
of different physio-chemical compositions.
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  • Published: 1995
  • PDF Size: 1.035 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199509059NZ

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