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Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

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Geological Features and Origin of Gold Deposits Occurring within the Jiamosi Precambrian Massif, Northeast China

Seventy-nine gold deposits and prospects have been
discovered in theJiamusi region of northeast China, and constitute one of the most important
gold metallogenic belts in China. All these endogenic gold
occurrences can be subdivided into three main deposit types:
1. porphyry related;
2. metamorphic-intrusive hosted, and
3. sediment-hosted deposit.

first two types of gold deposit are spatially and temporally related to Mesozoic
Yanshanian granitoid intrusions with hydrothermal activity channelled along
crustal-scale fissures. The ultimate cause of the Yanshanian magmatism is
considered to be the subduction of Pacific oceanic lithosphere beneath the
Eurasian continent. In contrast, the chemical sediment-hosted deposit is
typified by the Dongfengshan gold deposit, and genetically related to
Proterozoic sedimentation and Mesozoic igneous
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  • Geological Features and Origin of Gold Deposits Occurring within the Jiamosi Precambrian Massif, Northeast China
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  • Published: 1995
  • PDF Size: 0.962 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199509077NZ

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