Conference Proceedings
1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Conference Proceedings
1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference
Northern New Caledonia High-Pressure Metamorphic Core Complex; from Continental Subduction to Extensional Exhumation
reappraisal of the stratigraphy, new regional kinematic analysis and
thermobarometric data allow a new interpretation of the metamorphic zoning and
tectonic structure of the Upper Eocene high-pressure metamorphic core complex of
northernNew Caledonia allow a
three steps evolution to be proposed:
1. subduction and understacking of previously thinned
continental crust elements;
subduction blocking due to the crustal thickening; and
3. crustal thinning and extensional detachment during
the diapir-like uplift and unroofing of the eclogitic core.
2 and 3 may be partly contemporaneous. Such a model accounts for the
thermobarometric and radiochronologic data, and also for the weakness of
substratum deformation during the emplacement of the ophiolitic
reappraisal of the stratigraphy, new regional kinematic analysis and
thermobarometric data allow a new interpretation of the metamorphic zoning and
tectonic structure of the Upper Eocene high-pressure metamorphic core complex of
northernNew Caledonia allow a
three steps evolution to be proposed:
1. subduction and understacking of previously thinned
continental crust elements;
subduction blocking due to the crustal thickening; and
3. crustal thinning and extensional detachment during
the diapir-like uplift and unroofing of the eclogitic core.
2 and 3 may be partly contemporaneous. Such a model accounts for the
thermobarometric and radiochronologic data, and also for the weakness of
substratum deformation during the emplacement of the ophiolitic
D Cluzel, G Clarke, J Aitchison
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- Published: 1995
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