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Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

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The Ebor Volcano - A Miocene-Age Central-Type Intraplate Volcanic-Intrusive Complex, North Eastern NSW, Australia

The Ebor Volcano in
north eastern New South Wales is an eroded example of a central-type intraplate volcanic-intrusive
complex. It is of Miocene age (19 - 20 Ma) and has
similarities to other central-type volcanoes in eastern Australia which
represent manifestations of
sub-lithospheric hotspot activity. Thick lava flows are exposed around
the Great Escarpment and are dominated by a tholeiitic basaltic suite, ranging
from ol-tholeiite to qz-tholeiite to icelandite with ages of 19.2 -
19.6 Ma. On its western edge, the tholeiitic lava suite probably overlies
basanite flows belonging to the Eocene (~48 Ma) Doughboy province, but
elsewhere, minor alkaline basaltic lavas may be coeval with the tholeiitic
suite. Several felsic bodies were emplaced into the volcano at ~19.0 -
19.2 Ma and include subalkaline and peralkaline types. The Crescent
Complex is a Miocene-age, strongly differentiated mafic to felsic intrusion in
basement rocks and centrally located in pre-erosion reconstructions of
Ebor Volcano.
It is interpreted to be a major feeder for the tholeiitic lavas based on age and
composition. Evolution of the dominant
tholeiitic suite proceeded from a parental ol-tholeiite
magma, through
qz-tholeiite, icelandite and small volumes of felsic rocks by fractionation of
plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene and titanomagnetite, accompanied by
SiO2, FeOlMgO,
alkalies and
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  • The Ebor Volcano - A Miocene-Age Central-Type Intraplate Volcanic-Intrusive Complex, North Eastern NSW, Australia
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  • Published: 1995
  • PDF Size: 0.912 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199509005NZ

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