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Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

Conference Proceedings

1995 AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference

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Triassic to Early Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution of New Zealand Terranes: A Summary of Recent Data and an Integrated Model

data contributions to New Zealand Mesozoic terrane geology confirm the consensus
interpretation thatNew
Zealand grew by the progressive addition of
material by plutonic and accretionary processes along the Gondwana margin. The
data also:
1. emphasise the discontinuous but inter-related nature
of these processes of continental growth,
2. better establish a direct Gondwana correlation of
the Western Province and probable Gondwana provenance of at least some of the
Eastern Province,
3. suggest specific times and places when passive or
strike-slip rather than subduction regimes are recorded along the south Gondwana
margin, and
4. potentially lead to interpretations emphasising
parautochthonous rather than far travelled relationships between many
Zealand terranes.
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  • Triassic to Early Cretaceous Tectonic Evolution of New Zealand Terranes: A Summary of Recent Data and an Integrated Model
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  • Published: 1995
  • PDF Size: 1.145 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199509071NZ

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