Conference Proceedings
21st Century Higher Production Coal Mining Systems Symposium, Wollongong
Conference Proceedings
21st Century Higher Production Coal Mining Systems Symposium, Wollongong
Rscue - Knowledge Based Expert System for Mine Rescue Operations Based on Gas Analysis
An experienced and reliable knowledge of fire fighting procedures is necessary for mine emergency situations. Since experts in this area are scarce the technology of expert systems lends itself as a suitable component in the decision making process. This paper describes an expert system that is being developed for this purpose. The expert system. RESCUE. is a knowledge-based computer programme which incorporates the judgement, experience, rules of thumb. mine environmental conditions as well as human intuitions in the mine rescue operation. RESCUE makes decisions such as whether or not the affected area should be sealed.' whether or not rescuemen should be withdrawn, and which fire fighting agent is most appropriate for the situation. The IF..... THEN rules written in the VP-EXPERT shell contains antecedents and conclusions based on environmental as well as other conditions prevailing in the mine. For example, the CO/Oz deficiency ratio indicates the progress of heating; explosibility trends are given by varying flammable gases C CH4,H2,CO) in relation to oxygen concentration, and barometric pressure falls may affect explosibility by increasing CH4 content in workings. The interaction of such numeric-based rules with others rules reflecting the experience and judgement of the experts assist the system to arrive at its conclusions and subsequent course of action.
S Osei-Tutu, E Y Baafi, P MacKenzie-Wood
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- Published: 1988
- PDF Size: 0.176 Mb.
- Unique ID: P198801034