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Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

Conference Proceedings

35th APCOM Symposium 2011

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Direct Detection of Buried Orebodies Using Gradiometry

The routine use of gravity gradiometry for the detection of orebodies with no outcrop is now being undertaken. The commodities and orebody styles range from banded iron ore formations to volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) style polymetallic deposits. This recent innovation of flying gravity gradiometry was pioneered by BHP Billiton and Lockheed Martin with the Falcon technology (Lee, 2001), and now two additional systems, also using Lockheed Martin instruments, are deployed. In South Africa, magnetic gradiometry is being developed and deployed with the same objectives in mind. In this case, a system from Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) is being used. The detectable wavelengths from such systems have decreased to less than 200 m in the last year, and it is expected in 2011 that wavelengths to less than 100 m, with anomaly signal strengths of less than 2 Eotvos for gravity gradiometry will be viable. The key to these advances lies in the improvements of processing software and geological modelling. In particular, methods using all the tensor components are starting to be routinely deployed to filter, level and grid the observed signal. These methods do, however, require full insight and understanding of the reference coordinate systems used by the various instrument designers and survey operators. The digital terrain models need also to be observed to an accuracy of better than 20 m cell sizes, using such techniques as Lidar. Then the terrain effects can be modelled. The topographic surface represents the largest and most proximal density contrast encountered in an airborne survey. Hence terrain effects can have significant impact on airborne gravity gradiometry data. A decorrelation of the terrain effect with the observed signal requires a method of best fitting with a regional surface density. A novel technique has been developed for this purpose. This technique uses a tensor algebra to estimate a density between 1 - 4 g/cc that explains the average observed signal. Armed with this result, the anomalous buried bodies can be revealed by subtraction.
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  • Published: 2011
  • PDF Size: 0.253 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201111080

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